
10 Results

First Kiss Tips

When you have never kissed anyone, a first kiss can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. If you are a shy girl, and you cannot tell your partner that kissing is new to you, no worries, the following tips will help you. Unless your partner is a first-time kisser too, you will not have problems at all. 1. Make sure your […]

This summer, want to get rid of the unwanted hair naturally?

This summer, want to get rid of the unwanted hair naturally? For both men and women, hair removal can be so troublesome; but, it’s also inevitable. Especially in summers when you have already made plans to hit the beach with your girlfriends and mates, you don’t want those hair under your arms or bikini to be on display. After all, […]

Little Tricks to Make Your Home Smell Great

Every home can sometimes smell a bit funky no matter the reason. While many people buy air fresheners, there are a few frugal and more natural ways to make your home smell great. Some of these ways are quick and easy and others are more of a surprise, but they really work. Follow these 8 tips and tricks to keep […]

Common Beauty Mistakes Men Notice

Join a group of women for a night on the town, and you’ll hear them whispering about the guys with the obvious comb-overs and gaudy gold necklaces, or the ones chomping on gum so vigorously it’s a wonder their jaws don’t dislocate. But did you ever think about what it looks like from their perspective? Here are ten beauty mistakes […]

Deal with Body Acne

Your skin is the largest organ of your body, covering about 3,000 square inches of area. It keeps you warm, retains moisture, and protects you from infection. The skin is a remarkable organ, but it can also be a source of embarrassment when breakouts of acne occur. If you are looking for some tips for dealing with body acne, here […]

Tricks to Make Your Home Smell Great

Every home can sometimes smell a bit funky no matter the reason. While many people buy air fresheners, there are a few frugal and more natural ways to make your home smell great. Some of these ways are quick and easy and others are more of a surprise, but they really work. Check out 8 tips and tricks to keep […]

Gym Etiquette

It happens every year when the calendar turns over to January. Gyms across the country are inundated with well-intentioned new members, resolved to lose weight and get fit by spring. This annual invasion of “newbies” can annoy veteran gym rats forced to share exercise space with inexperienced members who lack understanding of gym etiquette and protocols. Every gym has its […]

Whiter Teeth and More Beautiful Smile

I’m always on the lookout for ways to make my teeth whiter and I think that when the person has wonderful white teeth, their smile is even more brilliant. After spending a lot of time looking for the best tips for whiter teeth, these six are what I’ve found and tried. They work, I can surely say, because I get […]

Ways to Stop Biting Your Nails

Need to know some effective ways to stop biting your nails? Keep reading, I’ve got a few of them! Nail biting is one of the worst habits that many of us develop as a great way to calm our nerves. When you bite your nails, they look unattractive and that leaves you feeling self-conscious. Plus, nail biting makes you more […]