
13 Results

Make a Good Impression

It is a common thing that people around us just do not get us right and perceive our personality not the way we would want them to. This may be connected with all the spheres of our lives starting with the hard work to get promoted or simply among our friends or family members. So if you notice that the […]

Dealing with a Difficult Coworker

Nowadays a great number of jobs require people to cooperate with others. I have met different people on my way. The most annoying thing is that you don’t always get a choice about whether to spend time with that person or not. It is essential to have harmonious and cooperative work environment to be able to reach productivity. Productivity goes […]

Have More Peace in Life

We all live in a busy world and it’s hard to have more peace when you constantly feel stressed and anxious. If you don’t have inner peace, you can’t achieve peace in the outer world. Just like Marcus Aurelius once said, “He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the universe.” We often do and say things […]

Get Rid of Bad Speaking Habits

It can be rather difficult to find a person who has an excellent speech without any flaws. Usually we have a lot of bad speaking habits that may cause different problems at work and in our everyday communication. That’s why we should work hard in order to eliminate certain errors from our speech. First of all, you need to discover […]

Follow to End Any Argument Peacefully

An argument is never a good thing but sometimes we cannot avoid it, so it’s wise to know a few tips on how to end any argument on a good note no matter what. I cannot stand being angry at someone, and I don’t like feeling like someone is angry at me. I always try to resolve any conflict peacefully, […]

Cope with a Rude Comment from a Stranger

It is such an unpleasant feeling to hear rude words from other people, especially if you don’t know them. A few insulting phrases can spoil your whole day. Though, you shouldn’t let anyone offend you. For most people, it can be rather difficult to stay calm in such situations and they usually burst out in rage. But it will only […]

Dinner Party Etiquette

If you get an invitation to a great dinner party, there are several etiquette tips you need to follow in order to be a real lady. You can behave as you’d like when you are eating with your family and friends, however, when you are invited to a fancy dinner, it’s important to behave properly. Check out 7 dinner party […]

Ways to Avoid Awkward Silences

I’m sure every one of us has experienced those moments of awkward silence when the conversation suddenly stops and there is no chance to continue. For me, these moments are my personal hell. Due to the nature of my character, I’m unable to engage people in a joyful and light conversation, especially unfamiliar people. So if you are so unlucky […]

Amazing Ways Yoga Makes You a Better Person

There are many ways yoga makes you a better person. Moreover, it makes you more beautiful. Believe it or not, but it’s really true. Yoga is a wonderful beauty practice anyone can take part in. It’s a great exercise that helps reduce stress levels, lower blood pressure, can ease symptoms of anxiety and depression and can make you more beautiful. […]

Making Peace with Your Ex

Looking for tips on how to make peace with your ex-boyfriend or ex-husband? You’ve come to the right place. I’ve got some hints that are tried and that really work. Often, it’s impossible to have a good relationship with exes, but it can actually be done with a little effort. Read on to find out a few helpful hints for […]

Become a Favorite Teacher

Ultimately, this is every teacher’s goal: to be the one who gets the most Christmas cards, is always greeted with a respectful “Hello!” in the morning, and is gossiped about in a good way outside of school. How does a good teacher do this without losing control of her class and keeping her material stimulating and interesting for her students? […]

Develop Your Communication Skills

It’s really difficult to find a person who can communicate with others perfectly. We can acquire some communication skills and patterns, but they are not always efficient and due to them we can face numerous obstacles while cooperating with other people. We should always improve our communication as it is an indispensable part of our everyday life. Most people become […]

How to Impress Your Boyfriend’s Family

If you are going to meet your boyfriend’s family for the first time, then you might want to know a few effective ways to impress his family. Everything counts in a first impression, and when it comes to your boyfriend’s family, the first impression is the key in establishing a good relationship. Just don’t be fake and keep in mind […]