
Showing 15 of 50 Results

12 Minutes to a Happier You

12 Minutes to a Happier You : You probably know how to cope with the hard times and bad mood. Actually, we all know. Each day we wake up and follow our morning rituals. We feel great and ready to tackle different tasks but then suddenly something or someone spoils your mood and ruins your entire day. This happens to […]

Is It Good or Bad to Take a Nap?

Snooze, or skip it? You’re right to be confused. Even as a recent study linked napping to higher mortality, companies and colleges across the U.S. are installing nap rooms to boost productivity. Truly, it would be a dream to get some napping consensus.

Is Sleeping In a Cold Room Better For You?

Is Sleeping In a Cold Room Better For You? Here’s the sweetest spot on the thermostat. Ask any insomniac about the perils of a hot pillow: When you’re trying to sleep, your brain loves the cold. Wearing a cooling cap helped insomniacs snooze almost as well as people without sleep problems, found a study from the University of Pittsburgh School […]

Ways to Lose Weight in a Month

Many women are concerned about their appearance. They spare no efforts to look beautiful and charming. One of the biggest desires most women have is to lose weight quickly. While it is not so easy, it can be possible. If you want to be in a good shape, you should change your lifestyle first. Remember that your daily routines, diet […]

Fantastic Ways to Spend Christmas Eve

The one of the greatest holidays is approaching. We count days when Christmas comes and of course think of how to celebrate it. We all desire to have a magical and festive atmosphere around us, to have fun and, of course, be with our nearest and dearest. If you haven’t decided a new extraordinary way to celebrate Christmas, I will […]

Releasing Your Anger

When you are angry, it’s hard to control your emotions and release your anger in a positive way. Many people think that the best way to vent their anger is to break something, or yell at somebody, or just yell when no one is home. There’s nothing wrong with this way, but do you really want to crash your dishes, […]

Boost Your Immune System

Whether we like it or not, the cold months are approaching fast and it’s important to be aware of several useful tips on how to boost our immune system. In fact, there is no reason to hate winter and I don’t understand those people who dislike this wonderful season because of cold and flu. To avoid flu and cold symptoms […]

Breathing Exercises

Breathing Exercises : Overworked, underslept and feeling the pressure? There are plenty of ways to find calm, without investing in a four-hand spa massage. All you need is a pair of lungs, your breath and 10 minutes or less.

Sex while sleeping

People have been known to sleep through ringing alarm clocks or even an earthquake — but sex? A new study finds that nearly 8% of people with sleep disorders reported bouts of sexsomnia, in which they initiated or engaged in sexual activity with a partner or masturbated while asleep.

Wake Up Happy Every Day

If you often wake up feeling stressed and miserable, worrying about the events of the previous day or the day ahead, you may want to know a few tricks to wake up happy every day. Although positivity is the key to happiness, there are some little changes that you can make to feel happier in the morning. Here are several […]

Health Benefits of Tomatoes

Tomatoes are a nutritional powerhouse that provides incredible health benefits when included in your daily eating plan. Tomatoes are rich in vitamins A, C, K, vitamin B6, potassium, folate, thiamin, magnesium, niacin, copper and phosphorus, which are all essential to maintain good health. One of the best things about tomatoes is that they are naturally low in cholesterol, saturated fat, […]

Reasons You’re Always Hungry

It’s quite natural to be hungry when you don’t eat for a long time and do lots of physical exercises. This feeling is really bothering. When you are hungry, you can’t work, study and do plenty of other things because you are obsessed with the desire to eat something. But sometimes you may be hungry no matter how much and […]

Ways to Lose Weight

Many women are concerned about their appearance. They spare no efforts to look beautiful and charming. One of the biggest desires most women have is to lose weight quickly. While it is not so easy, it can be possible. If you want to be in a good shape, you should change your lifestyle first. Remember that your daily routines, diet […]

Bad Beauty Habits

If the image that you see in the mirror is less than appealing, the culprit may not be bad lighting or even your added years. You may be sabotaging your looks with bad beauty habits. Breaking these ten bad beauty habits won’t transform you from a “5” to a “10,” but you will almost assuredly see a significant improvement in […]