
Showing 15 of 42 Results

Reasons to Marry a Complicated Woman

Reasons to Marry a Complicated Woman: It’s a proven fact that men are afraid of strong, independent and complicated women. They believe only they have a right to be complicated and do what they want. However, dating or even marrying a complicated woman is a rewarding goal. You may spend a lot of time and effort to win her heart […]

Men’s Guide to Dealing with PMS and Menopause

You will be relieved to know we are setting the bar really low on this one, guys. Basically, all you have to do is not make matters much, much worse. Do not say or do anything incredibly stupid or insensitive, and make sure you are around and available when she needs you, and you can get through this, I promise. […]

Women’s Qualities That Push Guys Away

A woman has always been a magnet for a man. But it does not mean every woman can easily capture any man’s attention and build a long-lasting relationship with him. Certain women’s qualities, habits and behaviors can significantly weaken this magical magnetic pull and sometimes even push men away. Attractive physical appearance enhances woman’s chances, but it is not the […]

Things That Make a Woman Threatening

Things That Make a Woman Threatening. Women are, by nature, catty creatures. If you have been walking around on this Earth for any length of time, you have probably been on both the giving and the receiving ends of more than a few scratches. Battle-scared and broken, you can probably attest to the meanness of womankind, usually for what can […]

Situations Where Women Benefit By Not Saying “I’m Sorry”

Situations Where Women Benefit By Not Saying “I’m Sorry” : In many public social and work situations women often use the phrase “I’m sorry” as a courtesy, much the way people use the phrase “Excuse me” or “Pardon me.” There is nothing problematic about this at all, in and of itself. However, there can be a negative impact on others […]

Ways to Feel More Beautiful

If you’re looking for simple ways to feel more beautiful today, I can point you in the right direction. Feeling beautiful goes hand-in-hand with your level of self-esteem and these ways may help you with that. You should never feel badly about yourself since there’s definitely something beautiful about you. Don’t compare yourself to other women today and hopefully you […]

Influenza and Women

Influenza and Women : Pandemic is a word that brings about a sense of trepidation and fright in us all. With the recent news broadcasts regarding the H1N1 Influenza Type A, or, most notably, the swine flu, a progressively greater amount of the world’s population is considering the flu shot as a means to possibly curb the embellished illness and […]

International Women’s Day: Give yourself a break, Superwoman!

March 8 is International Women’s Day. You’ve been running in routine every day of your life from the time you remember. Many of your peers think you’re handling it all way too well. There are many who ask you tricks to get done with their daily chores. The word ‘NO’ is something you are not familiar with. Apart from this, […]

The Female Orgasm: How it Works

Want it, need it, have to have it — but what precisely is happening when you’re climaxing? Here, the science behind the female orgasm It’s the only thing that feels better than diving into a cool lake on a sweltering day, biting into a juicy cheeseburger when you’re starving, or even getting your wallet back after losing it on vacation […]

Does Your Vagina Become Tighter If You Have Less Sex?

There’s gotta be some silver lining to a dry spell, right? In life, there are a couple universal truths that stand the test of time: Peanut butter tastes better with jelly. A bike ride on a brisk fall day is always a good idea. And, yes, dry spells happen to the best of us. But about that last one: Even […]

Surprising Foods That’ll Make You Look Younger

Eat, drink, and erase years just by adding these gems to your grocery list. The easiest way to improve your health is to attach a good-for-you habit to something that you do every day without even thinking about it—like eating! So the next time you’re at the grocery store, stock up on foods that pack anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties, as […]

See How Much the Perfect Female Body Has Changed Over 100 Years

See How Much the Perfect Female Body Has Changed Over 100 Years : If you’ve ever found yourself wishing for this actress’s waist or that singer’s legs, remember this: The silhouette of the “ideal woman” changes year over year, so the physical qualities we embrace today are often at odds with those from previous generations.

Valentine’s Day Surprises Every Woman Would Love to Get

Valentine’s Day is coming fast and most women would love to get some fabulous surprises on this special day. Although Valentine’s Day is not all about gifts, sometimes we express love through the giving of presents. Whether or not you’ll be lucky to receive any of these amazing surprises depends on how thoughtful and imaginative your sweetheart is. However, you […]