第一次嬰兒浴 : 對於為第一次為自己的小孩沐浴,相信大部分父母都會份外珍惜這份回憶。這不但是個重要時刻,還是能防止有敏感肌膚嬰兒出現紅疹或其他皮膚狀況的必要步驟。作為新手父母,必須要準備好適當的用具,並保持更衣環境舒適潔淨。
- 一條柔軟的棉質抹身布
- 溫水
- 乾淨的毛毯或連帽浴巾
- 嬰兒 乳液
- 乾淨的尿布
- 關掉所有在嬰兒更衣範圍的冷氣和風扇,並確保水溫恰到好處(溫水為最合適)。在把你的小孩帶到浴室之前,請先以你的手肘檢查一下水溫是否適當。
- 脫去嬰兒的衣物,並用連帽浴巾包裹小孩的身體,對於要洗擦的地方,分開逐次揭開浴巾遮蓋的部位,至於包尿布位置和頭髮部分則留待最後才處理。
- 以乾淨的抹身布逐次洗淨不同部位,可以先從耳背開始,再下擦至頸部、手肘、膝蓋、手指和腳趾,接著清潔包尿布位置,最後輕輕揉搓清洗頭髮。在將嬰兒移至更衣間前,用毛巾包裹小孩身體並溫柔地印乾。
- 年紀再大一點的小孩可能已經開始在使用嬰兒沐浴露。在此階段,父母應考慮使用兩條抹身布。拿一個小沐浴盤,將抹身布浸泡於已混和沐浴露的溫水當中,同時準備另一個只有溫水的無皂浴盤。用已沾上沐浴露的抹身布,根據之前同樣的步驟為嬰兒洗擦,再在溫水浴盤洗乾淨嬰兒身上的沐浴露。父母之所以要維持同樣的嬰兒洗澡步驟,是因為小孩可慢慢適應新轉變。爸媽可在特定流程中逐步加入新產品,例如是在沐浴後塗上潤膚露。即管小孩未必在首次就願意配合,但可以在輕柔的沐浴過程中慢慢習慣。
Translated English Version of the Post:
The Key Things that New Parents Must Know about Baby’s First Bath
Most parents cherish the memory of giving their baby their first bath. While this moment is certainly an important step, it also helps to be prepared especially since newborns have sensitive skin and can be prone to rashes and other skin conditions. As new parents, it is important to be ready by preparing the right materials as well as keeping the changing environment clean and comfortable.
Here are other important steps that parents need to remember:
Gather the right materials
You will need:
-1 soft cotton washcloth
-Warm water
-Clean blanket or hooded towel
–Baby Lotion
-Clean diaper -
Get ready
This includes shutting off all air conditioners and fans in the baby’s changing area as well as making sure the water is the right temperature (lukewarm water is best). Before bringing your baby into the bathroom, check the water first by dipping your elbow.
Bathe them gently
Remove baby’s clothes and wrap them in a hooded towel. Expose the ones you need to clean one at a time, saving the diaper area and the hair for last.
Using a clean washcloth, wash certain areas one at a time. You can start from behind the ears then move to the neck, elbows, knees, fingers and toes. Follow by cleaning the diaper area and then finish by washing a few wisps of their hair. Wrap them in a towel and pat them dry before moving them to the changing area to get them dressed.
Bathing older babies
Older babies may start using baby bath solutions during bath time. During this stage, parents should consider using two washcloths instead of one. In one small basin, soak a washcloth in warm solution mixed with bath solution for a soapy consistency while keeping another basin warm and soap-free. Wash your baby with the same steps as before but follow it with the soapy washcloth. Rinse residue off with plain lukewarm water. The reason why parents need to maintain the same steps is so that their little ones can adjust to the new changes. During this change, parents may also introduce new products into the routine such as using lotions after bath time. While some babies may be fussy at first, it helps to bathe them gently until they get used to this routine.
When bathing a baby, parents should strictly used products that are specifically formulated for their baby’s sensitive skin. The reason for this is because soaps fit for adults contain additional chemicals that can cause irritation and discomfort. Parents should also remember not to rush the bathing process to avoid startling their children while also maintaining a safe environment.
Under no circumstances should the ever leave their child alone in the bath even if they will be back in a few minutes. Always carry the baby with you if you have to leave the bathroom to get something. While some babies can certainly be fussy, bathing them three times a week is a great way to bond while also making sure their skin gets the needed nourishment it needs.