Value Your Time

It is a universal truth that nature has not granted eternity to any material thing on this earth. Every thing has got a definite span of life, passing through different stages like conception, birth, childhood, youth, adultness and old age and ultimately, that dies, that finishes, that looses utility in one form. When someone dies, we say that has expired or that has finished. It means that that has completed the life span. If someone expires before completing the stages, it means that nature had granted smaller span of life and completing the span that came to end. We can not do anything to enhance or shorten the time span except we can beautify our stay here. We can maximise the use of our time to the extent possible with our capacity.
In modern terms too, you know, in every corporate trainer’s armoury of lessons, time management occupies an important position. It is so because time management is a prized skill in organisations across the board. Those who are not expert in their time management skills have to face stress. To avoid such situations, computer-based tools are being used to alert them of their schedules again and again. In case you are able to use a couple of hours every week more productively, you would find a miracle change in your output.
We must value our time. For that, it is the perfect thing to do at the perfect time when it is inspired to be done. When it finishes serving its purpose, it is the perfect time for it to end. We notice that there was a time when it used to be a thriving business, environment or relationship and that is no longer as alive as before. You find that the people that are involved are starting to drift away as they lose interest in keeping it going. To keep up their interest, there must be something continued to keep them attracted. Sometime you feel that even your heart is no longer in it. Yet you still put energy into it because it will soon be gone if nobody tries to preserve it. But what makes you think that God wants you to preserve it? Maybe he wants it to be destroyed, so that he can create something new. You get confused whether the project you had started has any longer any worth. You need to value it again, you need to value your time afresh.
You may take it granted that what God wants you to do, He inspires you to create. There was something great that you were once inspired into creating. Once you had a lot of joy and fulfilment creating and experiencing its creation and continuance and in course of time, you feel that the purpose of creation has been solved, you start to loose the interest. It is the process of nature. You no longer feel the same way as before. Try as you might, you just no longer feel the inspiration that was there. You think that since God had led you to create it in the first place, he must want you to continue doing it. You try to revive the passion but that seems to take a lot of energy.
The truth is that it was good for that moment, but a new moment has come and so it is time for a new thing. Something may have been great when it started and continued to be so for a certain period of time, but when the time comes where it seems to die out, it doesn’t mean that it wasn’t worth undertaking in the first place since didn’t last forever. It was the perfect thing to do at the perfect time when it was inspired to be done. When it has finished serving its purpose, it is the perfect time for it to end.
Nothing really goes away completely, it merely changes form. The effect of a previous work or experience will continue to be part of a new work or experience. Had it not been done in the first place, it would not have existed to impact the new work in profound and significant ways. There is nothing that is wasted or in vain. Any work that was done at a time when it was inspired to be created would have its place in influencing the universal scheme of things in eternity and everything else that is connected to it.
Since you know that God leads you by your heart’s desire, why are you hanging on to the relationship or the work that you heart is no longer in? It is because you are afraid to lose what you have. The truth is you are not losing anything at all. He wants you to move on to the next experience that will be even better than the one before. Let go of the relationship or business that you no longer desire to be a part of. Let go of the old to make way for the new. Learn to let go and you will always be abundant.
In every moment you are in, always allow yourself to be naturally driven in your actions. When you choose to be inspired or inspirit, you will always be guided as to when to do what. If you find yourself trying to keep something going when you are no longer inspired to do so, then you are trying to drive the process, rather than it may happen, you know it’s not going to work because it’s not required. Let things happen ‘through you’ rather than making things happen.
Do a project if that attracts you from all corners of viability. If you find somewhere lacking, you should give up as you may find not attached with its working. Don’t repent that you are giving up the project without finishing it. It is also possible that years later, you are again inspired to take up the project you previously created. That is when it becomes a mega success because it was the right timing. You could also have chosen to force yourself to follow through on the ordinary order of things even though you are not inspired to do so just because you think that is the way it has to be done.
Be happy – You need to value your time always. How best you can make it useful!