Ways to Eat What You Want and Still Lose Weight

Here in the US obesity is a major problem. Obesity can lead to all kinds of dangerous health conditions such as atherosclerosis, hypertension and type two diabetes. Of course various companies and entrepreneurs capitalize on America’s obesity epidemic. Hence there are all kinds of different weight loss related products available for purchase. There are also all kinds of fad diets that overweight people can try in the endeavor to get rid of those extra pounds. These diets are often unsuccessful and there is a reason for this.

Most diets involve cutting out certain types of food, and this causes cravings. These cravings make it very hard to stick to the diet. Such diets can also be dangerous to the health because they involve eliminating certain food groups, and this can lead to malnourishment. Fortunately it is possible to eat whatever you want in moderation and still lose weight. Read on to find out how.

1. Eat When You Feel Hungry

The reason why so many people in the US are overweight or obese is that they eat out of boredom. They don’t know what to do with themselves, so they fill their bellies with snacks just to have something to occupy their time. Slim people do not eat out of boredom. Instead, they eat only when they feel genuinely hungry. When you reach for a snack, ask yourself if you want to eat because you are truly hungry. If you are bored rather than hungry, find something to do. For example, read a book, play a video game, go for a walk or complete a crossword or jigsaw puzzle.
Some people are actually overweight because they ignore their body when it sends the signal that it is hungry. Instead, they delay eating until they are so hungry that they actually feel weak. This is a bad idea because when you wait until you are famished before eating a meal you are likely to consume more than you would ordinarily. If your body tells you it wants to eat, do not ignore it.

2. Eat At the Dinner Table

Many people find that they gain extra weight because they eat meals and snacks in front of the television. This is a bad idea because when a person is watching the television they are not mindful of what they are eating. As a result, they keep eating without thinking about it and what was intended to be fifteen potato chips becomes an entire packet. If a person eats all meals and snacks at the dinner table they will be focused on eating rather than a movie or TV show. Hence it will be easier to listen to the messages their body sends them about the food they are consuming, and they will know when they have had enough.

3. Eat Slowly

Many people who are overweight got that way because they eat their meals too rapidly. When we eat very quickly, we do not have time to register the signals the body sends us. For instance, when the stomach is full it sends a signal to the brain which tells us to stop eating. If you do not heed the signal because you are stuffing your face like there is no tomorrow, you will probably keep eating even though your hunger is satisfied. It is therefore a good idea to chew each bite very slowly, and take the time to savor it. Taking breaks between each bite can also be very beneficial. You will enjoy your food more by eating it slowly. What’s more, you will be far more likely to acknowledge the signals your body is sending you.

4. Stop Before You Are Full

Have you ever been to a restaurant, and left complaining that although the meal was delicious you are absolutely stuffed? Many people become obese or overweight because they make the mistake of thinking they have to feel totally full before they stop eating, but this is not true. Ideally you should eat until you are satiated or no longer hungry. There is no need to eat until you cannot fit anymore food into your stomach. After all, you can always eat a little more if you feel hungry later on.

By following these guidelines a person can eat whatever they fancy and still lose weight. No food is off-limits, not even chocolate, cake or ice cream. All it takes is a few simple changes concerning your attitude to food, and the way in which you eat it.


Ways to Eat What You Want and Still Lose Weight