Ways to Get Along with Your Mother-in-Law

If you have been married for a while, or if you are getting married soon, you might want to know some advices on how to get along with your mother-in-law. You both love her son, and want him to be happy, so check out 7 ways to get along with your mother-in-law.

1. Ask for advice

Sometimes, one of the best ways to get along with your mother-in-law is to ask her for advice on one of her favorite topics. If she is a wine expert, then ask her to recommend a wine for Thanksgiving dinner. You can also ask your mother-in-law how to get the stain out of your husband’s shirt. She will feel flattered that you need her help. Besides, she might be a good resource!

2. Listen

Your mother-in-law is going to have a lot of advice, and most of them you won’t ask for, and one of the best ways to get along with your mother-in-law is to listen or at least to pretend to listen to her. Listen when she advises you on how to keep house and raise your children, even though you already know how. Don’t forget to smile gently, even if you ignore her advice. And who knows, maybe she has some advice you can use!

3. Defer, but not too much

There is a fine line between forging a personal bond with your mom-in-law, and losing her respect for not being able to take care of your husband and your children on your own. Ask advice, be respectful, defer, but not too much. After all, you are the woman her son chose, so she should trust his judgment, and he should back you too.

4. Ask for pictures

Your mother-in-law might have a lot of embarrassing photos of her son and your husband in the plaid “grunge” flannel from the 1990s, or the naked in the tubby baby photos! Ask her for some pictures, and giggle with her over them. It’s a great way to get along with your mother-in-law!

5. Ask for recipes

Flatter your mother-in-law by asking her for her recipes. Ask her for the recipe to the appetizer she brought to the family dinner last week, or that soup your husband likes when he is sick. She will really appreciate the gesture, even though she knows you won’t make it as good as she does.

6. Give it a little time

You shouldn’t expect your mother-in-law to form a close relationship the minute you return from your honeymoon. Like any healthy relationship, it is going to take some time. So if you gradually work toward it, you and your mother-in-law will really enjoy each other’s company in a matter of a few months.

7. Encourage your husband to be in touch

Nothing can hurt or irritate his mother more than when her son disappears from her life once he marries you. Encourage him to be always in touch with his mother, with at least phone calls. You can also ask her out to dinner at times, so she will feel like she gained a daughter and doesn’t lose her son.

Which of these ways has helped you to get along with your mother-in-law? Do you know some other ways? Share your thoughts, please!


Ways to Get Along with Your Mother-in-Law