Ways to Manage PCOS Naturally

Ways to Manage PCOS Naturally : If you have been diagnosed with PCOS, you might think now what to do? This condition affects nearly five million women in America. PCOS can wreak havoc on your body especially the hormones. And it still doesn’t have a cure. But it does not mean it cannot be managed.

Women can successfully manage the symptoms with medication and preventive measure. Hormone therapy, traditional treatments and natural alternatives to medicine may help ease the symptoms of PCOS but it varies from one woman to another.

Here we have compiled a list of lifestyle changes you can do to avoid extreme symptoms of PCOS.

  1. Keep an eye on your calories

    Experts in PCOS management state that caloric intake and the timing of your food intake can have a huge impact on blood sugar, insulin and testosterone levels of the body. If you try to keep the insulin level lower, this might help with infertility issues. Women with PCOS should eat the majority of their daily calories at breakfast so their insulin and glucose levels are decreased by 50% at the end of the day.

    PCOS patients should take an effective diet of about 980-calories at breakfast, 640-calories at lunch and 190-calories at dinner.

  2. Pile on calcium and vitamin D

    A case study on PCOS examined 100 infertile women who had PCOS, supplemented 1500 mg dose of metaformin daily, with calcium and vitamin D saw improvement in their BMI and menstrual problems. The women under study added 1000 mg of calcium daily and 100,000 IU vitamin D per month to their metaformin dose for six months. Tap to read more on these supplements and how you can take them to better manage your symptoms.

  3. Find the cure in your kitchen

    Did you know that there are home remedies to dampen the symptoms of PCOS? All you need to do is step into your kitchen and make use of these good ingredients in curing your symptoms to some level.

    • Fenugreek seeds
    • Cinnamon
    • Flaxseeds
    • Honey
    • Bitter gourd
  4. Take magnesium

    Women with PCOS show symptoms of insulin resistance which increases the risk of heart diseases and other problems like stroke and diabetes. Low magnesium levels contribute to diabetes and a dietary supplement may improve insulin sensitivity. Overweight, insulin-resistant PCOS patients should take 300 mg of magnesium at bedtime to improve fasting blood sugar and insulin levels.

  5. Pack some omega-3s

    Fish oil has proved to provide various health benefits and it is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids which can decrease androgen levels in PCOS patients. If you take three grams of omega-3s a day for nearly eight weeks, your testosterone levels will decrease and you will feel the difference in your weight, skin and other health issues.

It should be kept in mind that self-treating a condition or ignoring your symptoms may lead to worse consequences. So before trying any natural remedies, consult your doctor first.






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Ways to Manage PCOS Naturally

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