What Is The M.A.D Method In Regarding To RCM?

What Is The M.A.D Method In Regarding To RCM? : The MAD method also emphasizes accountability and discipline within the hospice team. Every team member is accountable for providing the best possible care to each patient and family. This requires ongoing communication and collaboration among all members of the team.

Additionally, the team must be disciplined in their work in order to provide consistently high-quality care. Here’s some information on M.A.D and manage hospice revenue cycle with AHM.

What is M.A.D?

Measurement, Accountability, and Discipline (MAD) is a philosophy of hospice care that puts the patient and family first. MAD is based on the belief that every patient and family is unique and deserves individualized care. This means that the hospice team works to meet the specific needs of each patient and family rather than following a one-size-fits-all approach.


Accurate measurements are essential for any company in order to make sound decisions regarding claims, rejections, denials, cash collections, and credit balances. Without precise measurements, a company is essentially flying blind and is at risk of making choices that could negatively impact the business. There are a few key things to keep in mind when taking measurements to ensure that they are accurate and purposeful.


Accountability is critical in any successful organization, and that is especially true when it comes to the process of RCM. The right team members need to be paired with the roles they can best fulfill to ensure that the process runs smoothly and effectively. By holding a leader accountable to at least one metric of the process, you can help to ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards the common goal. Accountability comes with a sense of responsibility and ownership, which are essential for any team that wants to achieve greatness. So if you wish for your RCM process to be a success, make sure that you put accountability at the forefront.


Discipline is important for any team but especially critical for those working in RCM. An organized team will ensure that your RCM functions correctly and efficiently. Setting up a defined set of practices and evaluating them with your team will establish a proficient workflow and bring coherency to their individual processes. By disciplining your team, you will create a more efficient workflow and avoid any potential issues that could arise from chaotic work habits. In the end, a disciplined team is a more productive team, and that will benefit your bottom line.

How Does The MAD Method Work?

The MAD Method begins with data collection. Hospice staff collect data on various aspects of patient care, such as pain medication administration, wound care, nutrition, and more. This data is then analyzed to identify any potential problems.

Once potential problems are identified, hospice staff develops plans to address them. These plans may involve changes in procedures or additional training for staff members. Once the plans are in place, they are implemented and monitored to ensure that they are effective. Finally, the data is reviewed again to see if there have been any improvements. If not, new plans are developed and implemented until the desired results are achieved.

What Are The Benefits Of Using The MAD Method?

There are many benefits of using the MAD Method in hospice care. Perhaps the most important benefit is that it helps ensure that patients receive the best possible care. By taking a proactive approach and addressing potential problems before they become serious, MAD helps hospice staff provide optimal care for their patients.

In addition, the MAD Method can help improve communication among all members of a patient’s healthcare team. MAD fosters an environment of collaboration and cooperation by holding everyone accountable for their actions and requiring them to communicate with one another. This can lead to better communication overall and improved patient outcomes.


The Measurement, Accountability, and Discipline (MAD) Method is used in hospice care to ensure that patients and their families receive the best possible care. This proactive approach uses data collection and analysis to identify potential problems so that they can be addressed before they become serious.

The MAD Method is based on three principles: what gets measured gets done, everyone involved in a patient’s care is accountable for their actions, and all hospice staff must be diligent in their work and follow all procedures to the letter. By adhering to these principles, you can manage hospice revenue cycle with AHM and ensures that patients and their families receive the best possible care.






What Is The M.A.D Method In Regarding To RCM?