What You Need to Know About Chemical Peels

What You Need to Know About Chemical Peels : The skin is your body’s largest organ. Considering that it forms the outermost surface of your body, it is exposed to elements that could damage it and alter its appearance significantly. Unfortunately, the skin is quite visible, and therefore, if you have some skin imperfections, they will be among the first things that people will notice when they see you.

This means that skin imperfections could hurt your self-worth. The good news is that most skin imperfections can be treated through several minimally invasive cosmetic procedures, chemical peels being among the most popular. Here is everything you need to know about what chemical peels are, their benefits, and their risks.

What Is a Chemical Peel?

A chemical peel involves the use of a chemical solution to improve skin tone and texture by removing the damaged outer layer. In most cases, chemical peels are used to treat facial skin. However, they are also effective in improving the appearance of the skin on other areas of your body, including your hands and neck.

In the end, the treatment should give you more youthful, smooth, and even skin.

How Chemical Peels Work

Chemical peels essentially work with the help of acids. The solutions used in these treatments usually contain glycolic acid, salicylic, or carbolic acid. Your provider will choose the right chemical based on how deep the treatment should reach. Once the chemical has been applied to the skin, it will loosen the material that glues dead skin to healthy skin. This will lead to exfoliation, which will reveal the healthy skin underneath. The treatment will also promote the growth of new healthy skin cells, meaning the results will only get better with time.

Chemical Peels Efficacy and Limitations

A chemical peel is quite effective in treating several skin imperfections. Some of the issues that can the treatment can improve include:

  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Some scars
  • Irregular skin pigmentation
  • Sun-damaged skin
  • Rough skin
  • Scaly patches on the surface of the skin
  • Acne and acne scars

However, it is important to note that chemical peels are not the answer for all skin imperfections. Although chemical peels can effectively treat many skin imperfections, there are some issues that the treatment cannot effectively address. Some of the skin imperfections that a chemical peel cannot improve include:

  • Deep facial wrinkles and lines
  • Deep scars
  • Significantly loose or sagging skin

Chemical Peels Cost

On average, a chemical peel costs about $500. However, the cost can range between $200 and $6000, depending on how deep the treatment goes and the qualifications of the provider you choose. Therefore, you need to discuss the cost with your provider to get a more accurate estimate.

Chemical Peels Side Effects

Chemical peels are not without risks. Some of the side effects associated with chemical peels include:

  • Redness and swelling
  • Temporary or permanent skin color change
  • Unfavorable scarring, especially for patients with a history of keloids
  • Infections
  • For patients who have had herpes in the past, chemical peels could reactivate the cold sores
  • Liver, kidney, and heart damage

The good news is that chemical peels are quite safe if offered by qualified professionals. A good provider will assess your medical history to determine if the treatment is safe for you. This will go a long way in minimizing the risk of severe side effects.

FAQs About Chemical Peels

Do Chemical Peels Require Downtime?

Yes, chemical peels require downtime. Indeed, some chemical peels are invasive treatments that may require up to a couple of weeks of downtime as the skin heals. However, there are less invasive chemical peels that require much shorter downtime. You need to talk to your doctor about how much time you will need to fully recover from whichever type of chemical peel treatment you are about to receive so that you can effectively plan and prepare yourself for the needed downtime.

Do Chemical Peels Hurt?

How much discomfort you can expect from a chemical peel will depend on the type of chemical peel you are seeking. In most cases, deep chemical peels can cause significant discomfort and some sort of pain control may be needed during treatments. However, medium and light peels are not known to cause significant pain. Generally, the level of discomfort associated with chemical peels will range from mild to moderate, depending on your pain tolerance.

Are Chemical Peels Safe?

Chemical peels are generally safe. Although they can have some side effects, the side effects are rare. By choosing a qualified provider, you can significantly minimize the risk of severe side effects.

How Long Do Chemical Peels Results Last?

The results of a chemical peel can last anywhere between a few months and a lifetime. If you go for a light chemical peel, you can expect the results to last for one or two months. If you choose a medium peel, you can have the results for up to six months. On the other hand, deep chemical peel results can last a lifetime.




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What You Need to Know About Chemical Peels

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