What’s the Difference Between Cold and Flu : Many people aren’t concerned about differentiating between having a cold or the flu; they know they’re sick and have to let the illness run its course. However, this mindset can be dangerous to have as one sickness is much more serious than the other.
A cold generally leaves you feeling under the weather for a few days, whereas the flu can last for a couple of weeks and may lead to more severe health problems.
Knowing which illness you have allows you to keep track of your symptoms and whether they’re improving or getting worse, which will help you decide if you should invest in the best over the counter flu medicine or consult a doctor.
Know the Symptoms
Many cold and flu symptoms overlap, so the best way to figure out which you have is with a specialized influenza test. If the results are positive, your doctor may prescribe medications to help prevent possible complications. However, most people won’t need a test unless they have underlying conditions or weakened immune systems that put them at risk for other health issues.
Generally, the flu comes about without much warning, and the symptoms are more severe. Here are some signs you have this illness:
- Sore throat
- Headache
- Fever and chills
- Muscle Aches
- Congestion and cough
- Vomiting or Diarrhea
Alternatively, a cold is less harsh than the flu. People often have similar experiences with this illness. You’ve probably personally witnessed that this common sickness usually begins with a sore throat that lasts for a day or two. That symptom’s conclusion generally leads to nasal issues.
Finally, as the cold starts to clear up, you may notice a thicker, darker mucus upon blowing your nose. Don’t let this occurrence scare you, as it is natural and doesn’t usually mean an infection has developed. Other common signs include:
- Runny Nose
- Cough and Congestion
- Watery eyes
- Sneezing
If you have yet to get sick this year, cold and flu prevention supplements may help. However, if you’ve just started developing symptoms, assess whether you have the flu or a cold to decide which steps to take next.
Different Treatments
Because viruses cause influenza and the common cold, each one has to run its course. Luckily, this fact doesn’t mean you have to be miserable for the next week or two. In addition to medications, there are plenty of home remedies to help ease the symptoms:
- Get extra rest: Lounging around and sleeping when you’re sick helps your body recover. If your nose gets too stuffy when you lie down, try propping your head up on a pillow.
- Stay hydrated: Sip on water, juice, broth or green tea with honey often, as liquids help loosen congestion. Warm drinks can also soothe a sore throat. Avoid ingesting anything with caffeine, or you’re likely to become even more dehydrated.
- Use a humidifier: Dry air makes you more susceptible to illnesses and can make a sore throat more painful. If you don’t have a humidifier, place a bowl of water near a heat source, such as on a radiator.
If you get sick, make sure you take steps to get through the illness with ease. Research possible medications and find a trustworthy manufacturer to assist you in finding products that may help.
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