Why Eating More Fat Can Help You Lose Weight : It is often said that fat makes you fat, right? Wrong.
It’s a common misconception amongst weight loss and body building enthusiasts that eating fat necessarily makes you fat. However, numerous studies have shown that eating healthy fats is actually beneficial for weight loss as it is crucial for optimal functioning of your metabolism and other functions in the body. Fat also gives you the necessary energy to work out harder and for longer.
It may seem counter-intuitive, but consuming fat significantly improves your ability to burn fat.
The Different Types of Fat
Don’t reach for chocolate bars yet, however! Not all fats are created equal. Saturated fat and trans-fat can negatively affect your health by raising cholesterol and increasing harmful fatty deposits in your arteries. These types of ‘bad’ fats have also been linked to increased likelihood of certain cancers, as well as high incidences of heart disease, obesity, and diabetes.
In contrast, healthy fats, such as monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats, help you to rev up your metabolism and keep your body functioning optimally.
Essential fatty acids, such as those found in oily fish, play a vital role in enabling fat soluble vitamins to be properly absorbed into the body, including vitamins A, D, E and K. In particular, vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant that can help prevent cancer.
Eating healthy fats also improves the appearance of hair, skin, and nails as the body is properly nourished. Cutting carbohydrates in preference for healthy fats will enable your body to better tap into your fat reserves to properly fuel your muscles during workouts.
Experts recommend monitoring your levels of body fat as this is a better overall indicator of health than your weight alone.
A healthy body fat percentage is between 21-25% for women and 14-17% for men. These figures can be lower for athletes and serious fitness enthusiasts.
Measuring and monitoring your body fat is one of the best ways to keep track of your body composition and weight loss goals. Today, there is an impressive array of top rated body fat scales to allow you to track your progress. These devices work by passing a small and harmless electrical current through your body to take an accurate reading of the percentage of body fat you have.
Fat as Energy
At 9 calories a gram, fat contains more energy than carbohydrate or protein so you should still consume healthy fats in moderate amounts. Great choices include nuts, seeds, avocados, oily fish, eggs, coconut oil and olive oil.
If you switch to a diet higher in healthy fats and lower in processed carbohydrates, not only will your waistline thank you, but you won’t experience the post-lunch slump often caused by too many simple carbohydrates which cause your blood sugar to spike then crash.Fat is also satiating, meaning you’ll feel satisfied and full for longer after eating and less likely to reach for unhealthy snacks or eat second helpings.
Increasing the consumption of healthy fats and tracking your body fat loss will help you to stay motivated in pursuing and achieving your weight loss and health goals.
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