Why Exercise After a Mommy Makeover and When to Start : Is your body back to its pre-baby shape thanks to plastic surgery? Do you now have a slimmer, toned, and better-sculpted silhouette after your Mommy Makeover surgery? Well, your body has been through a lot with pregnancy, childbearing, and now a Mommy Makeover!
After all these processes, you should dedicate time to maintaining your newly acquired looks and body shape by observing proper recovery measures, including getting enough rest, a proper and balanced diet, and an ideal exercise regimen.
But Why Exercise After a Mommy Makeover?
Many surgery patients recovering from a Mommy Makeover surgery assume that engaging in exercising shortly after a Mom Job is risky. Some patients think that getting more rest is the best way to recover. Well, rest aids in recovery, and getting into a fitness routine immediately after an operation may increase the risk of getting injured if a medical practitioner doesn’t properly plan the exercises.
But it’s also true that post-operation exercises benefit patients recovering from a Mommy Makeover surgery.
Read on to learn why exercising is important in the post-op period.
The Importance of Exercising After a Mommy Makeover
- Light exercises such as walking may promote proper blood circulation and improved healing.
- Light exercising also minimizes the risk of blood clot formation
- Exercising after a Mommy Makeover may also help you maintain your positive looks and results for many years.
- Proper exercising also burns fats and excess calories, thus preventing you from going back to the pre-surgery looks.
Now that you know the importance of exercising after a Mommy Makeover, when is it appropriate to start your exercise routine?
What’s the Ideal Time to Start Exercising After a Mommy Makeover?
On average, you should start light exercises, such as walking, after about four to six weeks after the Mommy Makeover, and after six to eight weeks, you can return to your regular exercising.
If you’re a fitness enthusiast, spending considerable time away from your exercise routine or gym may be a challenge. However, jumping into strenuous exercises too soon after your surgery may markedly increase the risk of encountering various complications.
Some of the Common Complications That You’re Likely to Encounter
Post-operation strenuous exercising may lead to health challenges, including:
- Breast implant rupture
- Prolonged swelling
- Severe discomfort and pain
- Strained sutures
- Slow healing
- Infections
How Can You Improve Exercising and Prevent Exercise-Related Complications Post-Mommy Makeover?
You may have had a fitness routine before your Mommy Makeover, but it isn’t safe to use the same routine after surgery. Instead, it would be best if you got a more personalized exercising routine prepared by a trainer that plans the fitness routine based on your doctor’s recommendations.
The bespoke fitness routine should meet your recovery needs. Avoid working out on your own because you may neglect important areas or risk health challenges like the ones cited above. With the help of your doctor and trainer, you should get proper advice on which kind of exercise is ideal for you. The experts may monitor your progress and work with you if you encounter any challenges.
With all this information, you should be ready to start your fitness routine after your Mommy Makeover. But you may still be bothered by some questions and worries. Well, worry no more!
Here are some answers to the most common questions that you may have in mind.
Mommy Makeover Q&As
What should you do to maintain your Mommy Makeover positive results?
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the perfect way to maintain your beautiful Mommy Makeover results. You should thus avoid a sedentary lifestyle long after surgery and ensure that you eat a balanced diet and rest well. Also, avoid substance abuse and junk food.
What kind of exercise is ideal after a Mommy Makeover?
Light walking may be an ideal form of exercise after the first four to six weeks. But after that, you can go into some light to heavy exercises such as chest presses, dumbbell pullovers, push-ups, and some jogging.
Should you use a fitness trainer when creating your exercise routine?
Fitness trainers know the perfect exercises for you, and they’re the best planners who can use your doctor’s advice to develop custom-made exercise routines that best suit your needs after a Mommy Makeover.
Is exercise equipment necessary when exercising after a Mommy Makeover?
No. You can exercise without any equipment. But if you have to use some equipment, then ensure the equipment is certified as ideal exercise equipment by your trainer and doctor.
Proper dieting and exercise are the basic methods of maintaining the positive outcomes of a Mommy Makeover. The two approaches also ensure that you burn excess fat and calories, which may take you back to your post-pregnancy body and shape. Light exercises also help improve healing by preventing blood clots and promoting proper blood circulation.
However, it would help if you didn’t do strenuous exercises shortly after a Mommy Makeover. Instead, seek the advice of your doctor and fitness trainer before engaging in any exercises after surgery.
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Why Exercise After a Mommy Makeover and When to Start
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