Why Should You Take Prenatal Care Supplements During, Before, And After Pregnancy?

Why Should You Take Prenatal Care Supplements During, Before, And After Pregnancy? A woman has to meet greater nutritional requirements in her pregnancy. A mother-to-be has to meet her nutritional requirements as well as of the baby. During the critical pregnancy period, it becomes quite challenging for the diet to meet the nutritional requirements alone. So women have to take prenatal care supplements before, during, and after pregnancy.

Dr. Guler is a board certified cardiologist and an Internal medicine specialist from New York, USA. Prenatal supplements are made by Dr. Ahmet Guler. Dr. Ahmet Guler ensures the nutritional requirements are fulfilled by these supplements with no side effects for the baby and the mother.

Benefits of taking prenatal supplements

Prenatal supplements are quite necessary for the normal health of a pregnant woman and her baby. Moreover, prenatal supplements can help in reducing the onset of a wide range of complications. Some of the most significant benefits of taking prenatal supplements are mentioned below.

  1. Reduce the onset of neural tube defects and spina bifida

    Lack of Vitamin B and folic acid in your early pregnancy and even before you conceive you can directly harm the health of your baby as lack of vitamin B folic acid can increase the risks of getting neural tube defects, such as spina bifida, or known as the cleft spine, and anencephaly that is the improper development of bones of skull and brain. Therefore women have to take prenatal supplements.

  2. May reduce the risk of other birth defects

    The second significant reason to have prenatal supplements before, during, and after pregnancy is that supplements help to reduce the onset of birth defects. Prenatal supplements can reduce the onset of cleft lip, heart birth problems, and cleft palate.

  3. Reduce the onset of iron-deficiency anemia

    Pregnant women have to face a lot of iron deficiency problems in their pregnancies. Women require more iron during pregnancy as compared to before conception. Iron deficiency can cause anemia. So prenatal supplements are required to reduce the onset of iron deficiency anemia.

  4. Reduce the onset of low birth weight, pre-term delivery, and infant mortality

    One of the biggest reason for which you should take prenatal care supplements during, before, and after pregnancy is that it reduces the onset of a child’s problems. Prenatal supplements reduce the risks of infant mortality, pre-term delivery, and low birth weight.

  5. Meet calcium requirements

    Women have to face calcium deficiencies in their early pregnancies. Calcium in the diet is not enough to meet the requirements. That is why women have to take prenatal supplements before, during, and after pregnancy.

  6. Reduce the onset of rickets in children

    One of the biggest reasons for which women have to take prenatal supplements is that supplements help to reduce the onset of rickets and other disorders in children. Rickets is a condition that causes the bones to get softened and weakened. This bone abnormality can cause the bones to get fractured and deform. So to reduce the onset of rickets and to avoid this condition completely, women have to improve calcium intake. That is why prenatal supplements are necessary for women.


The above-mentioned points are some of the most significant benefits of taking prenatal supplements before, during, and after pregnancy. A woman can never compromise her health as well as the health of her baby. That is why it is necessary for a woman to meet her nutritional requirements.







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Why Should You Take Prenatal Care Supplements During, Before, And After Pregnancy?

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