3 Common Holiday Travel Health Hurdles : When it comes to successful holiday travel, don’t let common health hurdles stress you out or dampen your trip. Check out these quick and clever tips for traveling smarter (and healthier!):
Transporting Medicine
Taking medicine with you on the go can be anxiety-ridden – from making sure you have enough of your prescriptions for your trip, to packing it securely, and yet also making sure it is accessible when traveling. Keep these expert tips in mind for transporting medicine for holiday travel:
- Make sure to refill prescriptions before you leave on your trip so you don’t have to worry about it when you get to your destination.
- When flying, avoid packing medicine you need on a regular basis in checked luggage as you could be stuck without it if your suitcase gets lost.
- Keep an up-to-date medicine list on your person that details what medicines you are on with their dosages and frequencies as well as the name and number of the prescribing physician.
- Use a pill organizer to sort and manage multiple prescriptions, vitamins, and over-the-counter medicines you take daily. The benefits of pill organizers for your purse or carry-on bag include keeping medicine organized and secure as well as making it easy to quickly retrieve meds when it’s time to take them.
- Keep a reusable water bottle filled and handy on your trip as well as a quick snack like a banana or granola bar so you’re never without drink/food you might need to help you take your medicine.
Travel Aches and Pains
Sure the headache of another Christmas dinner with your in-laws might have you wincing or clamoring for the medicine cabinet, but those aren’t the only travel pains you have to worry about. Prolonged sitting in the car on road trips or on a cramped plane when flying can result in back and neck pain that follows you throughout your travels and can potentially ruin your trip.
Travel aids like lumbar spine pillows and travel seat cushions can provide support to vulnerable lower back and tailbone regions, helping distribute weight and promote better spine alignment. Factors to consider when choosing the best airplane seat cushion for you include your own size, the material and shape you are looking for, as well as how portable it is.
While travel cushions can prevent pain, treating pain on a trip is another matter. Portable heat pads or disposable ice packs can be applied for temporary relief of pain associated with tense and inflamed neck or back muscles. Muscle relief creams and over-the-counter anti-inflammatories are easy to pack and can help as well.
Celebrations (and the Calories That Come With Them)
A big challenge to your healthy eating habits (and your waistline) is simply the fatty, sugary, and salty foods which seem to accompany so many holiday celebrations, from Thanksgiving dinners to New Year’s parties. Staying on track with healthy eating choices, as well as avoiding over consumption of alcohol at holiday parties isn’t always easy, but with a few smart tips and proactive steps, you might just stave off future cookie and cocktail cravings.
- When consuming alcohol, pour yourself half as much as you normally would, i.e. with a glass of wine. Skip sugary cocktails and high-calorie beers when possible, and always follow each alcoholic beverage with a glass or two of water.
- Forgo the junk food you so commonly find in airports and on road trips and pack your own healthy snacks, like walnuts with dried fruit, whole grain tortilla chips, fresh carrot and celery sticks, hummus, greek yogurt cups, and dark chocolate.
- Incorporate healthier choices into big family holiday dinners, like whole grain bread stuffing, quinoa with kale, sage and cranberries, roasted brussel sprouts, and butternut squash puree.
Final Thoughts
Being further away from the gym you go to every day or the studio you attend for bi-weekly yoga shouldn’t be an excuse to halt your physical activity altogether when traveling either. Holiday travel actually offers a unique opportunity for you to get creative with exercise – go on a hike with your family, take a bike tour of the city you visit, or sign up to volunteer at a local food bank packing boxes of food for less fortunate families.
There are myriad ways to stay active when you travel and burn off those extra calories you inevitably wrack up from rich (yet delicious) holiday meals. A little forethought can go a long way as well; for example, if staying in a hotel on your trip, try to reserve a room at one with a gym or pool where you can workout and swim laps.
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