3 Fitness Assumptions Gen-X Women Make (And Why They’re Wrong)

3 Fitness Assumptions Gen-X Women Make (And Why They’re Wrong) : If you are a women born between 1965 and 1980, you’re considered part of Generation X, the post Boomer generation that saw the technological revolution come about in the late 20th century. While Millennials have surpassed the Baby Boomer generation in scale, the Pew Research Center believes that by 2028, Gen X will outnumber the Baby Boomer generation as well.

Gen X women in their late 30s to early 50s are rocking more career-drive approaches to their lives, have more children than any other generation on average, and are more health conscious than their parental counterparts. When it comes to staying fit and exercising, however, many incorrect assumptions can leave Gen X-ers ill-prepared for health risks down the line. Check out these 3 biggest fitness assumption (and why they’re wrong):

Fitness Assumptions Gen-X Women Make

Assuming Work is Exercise

For many moms, the day to day grind of running around, jumping in and out of the car, carrying kids, toting laundry, and doing chores, potentially on top of another job, can seem like a serious workout. You’re exhausted at the end of the day, famished, and your muscles even ache – how is it not exercise?

With the potential for developing heart disease, Alzheimer’s, high blood pressure, cancer and diabetes on the rise for women, it’s important to note that day to day activity is not considered beneficial exercise. What carries the most impact when it comes to strengthening the heart and brain, fighting bone loss, and preventing cognitive decline is at least 30 minutes a day of moderate activity that actually boosts your heart rate and makes you sweat.


Assuming Low-Impact Activity Isn’t Exercise

Does yoga practice really count as beneficial exercise? You’re darn tootin’ it does! A beneficial workout routine doesn’t mean you have to be training for a marathon or considering body building. Low-impact exercises that get your heart rate going, which help build bone mass and muscle strength, and which encourage you to flex your respiratory muscles with increased and deepened breathing are doing all the right things when it comes to benefiting your health.

In addition to yoga and tai chi, swimming, cycling, dancing, hiking, and even simple brisk walks over gentle inclines count as health-benefitting exercises that can help manage a healthy weight and prevent disease.


Assuming Injury and Pain Require Rest Only

The thought of exercising with acute low back pain seems antithetical. Won’t movement strain and stress my already inflamed muscles? According to the American College of Physicians it is exercise precisely that aids painful muscles and tendons, boosting blood circulating and energizing tissue repair. In addition to exercise, massage, acupuncture, mindfulness practices like yoga, as well as spinal manipulation can relieve low back pain and help keep you moving.

If experiencing an injury, using support braces or kinesio tape may suffice as a short-term remedy to help keep you active. For example, a shoulder support brace can stabilize an injured rotator cuff, or a groin wrap can apply compression to relieve groin pain associated with a strain. In addition to stabilizing and compressing, braces (and aids including orthotic inserts) can promote better posture, proper body mechanics, and spinal alignment, all which reduce risk of future injury or inactivity. If injury or pain is keeping you from regular exercise, talk to your doctor about the potential for a treatment plan that involves bracing.

If you are a loud and proud member of Generation X, be smart about aging by taking proactive steps towards regular and effective fitness. Not only will you lower your chances of developing cancer and other diseases like heart disease or diabetes, but the benefits to your brain health will last long into your Golden Years as well.


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3 Fitness Assumptions Gen-X Women Make (And Why They’re Wrong)

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3 Fitness Assumptions Gen-X Women Make (And Why They’re Wrong)