4 Meal-Subscription Services That Teach You How To Cook : For many people, modern life just is not conductive to honing cooking skills or even learning to cook. More and more of us are leading busier and busier lifestyles, with long commutes to work and even longer working hours.
In between all of that, we are expected to eat, relax and fit in a whole range of social and leisure activities. It should come as no surprise that many of us turn to the easy options – a few tried and tested recipes, microwave meals or a takeout menu. Who wants to be standing in front of the cooker, preparing food and trying new things when there is no guarantee of there being a decent meal at the end of it?
There is an alternative though – something that is quick and easy, delivered to your door in perfectly measure quantities with step by step recipes at a time that is convenient to you, whilst giving you the opportunity to practice those cooking skills and have a decent, home cooked meal at the end of it.
This option is the meal subscription box. These have become extremely popular over the last few years because of the reasons mentioned above, and it isn’t difficult to understand why. They make superb gifts for those who are hard to buy for as well.
How do meal subscription boxes work?
Most meal subscription boxes work in a very similar way. When you sign up, you are given a selection of plans to choose from. These vary in the number of people – usually between two and four – or for dietary requirements such as gluten free and vegetarians. Once you have settled on your plan, it is time to look through the meal choices and then go through to payment.
In most cases, you have to sign up for a minimum amount of meals every week – something along the lines of three meals for two people. The meal boxes are then delivered weekly, in an insulated box. All of the main ingredients are carefully portioned out and comes with a step by step recipe. You usually have to add some store cupboard basics, such as salt and pepper, oil, eggs and sugar.
For the lowdown on meal subscription services and other subscription boxes, take a look at Subscriboxer, but here, we look at what we think are four of the best ones available at the moment.
Hello Fresh
Globally popular subscription box, Hello Fresh is popular for its fuss free, simple ingredients and recipes. Current menus include Swedish meatloaf, Mediterranean roasted chicken and chicken tacos. Prices start at $7.87 for a family serving and $8.99 for the classic and veggie plans. It is commitment free, letting you cancel, modify or pause your subscription at any time, perfect for those leading busy lifestyles. On the website, there is a whole range of recipes so you can recreate them yourselves, as well as all of the important nutrition information and the best wines for each meal.
If you’re worried about the impact that your lifestyle has on the impact, this is a meal box for you. It is ideal for vegetarians, kitchen newbie and experienced cooks. There are plenty of options, suitable for just about everyone. Ingredients are usually artisanal, and locally sourced where possible. Fish is sustainably caught and the pork and poultry have been raised without the addition of artificial hormones and antibiotics. Recent meals have included sun dried tomato chicken and seared steak. Prices start from $11.05 per individual meal.
Martha and Marley Spoon
Martha & Marley Spoon has access to over 18,000 recipes from the Martha Stewart archives. You can sign up on the Marley Spoon website to receive meals to feed two people, or a family plan that feeds four people. There is a wide range of seasonal dishes for all levels of cooks. Meals that have been included recently include lemon and paprika shrimp and butternut squash pizza. Prices start at $8.20 per serving.
Blue Apron
If you are a bit of a foodie, or want to really try out some new cooking stills, the Blue Apron box may be one for you. The ingredients are high quality and responsibly sourced, and all of their meal plans are designed by chefs. It starts at $7.49 per serving, and current items on the menu include seared tilapia and orzo pasta, and peccadillo-style beef ragu. They’re flexible and easy to skip or cancel when you need to.
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4 Meal-Subscription Services That Teach You How To Cook
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