How to Effectively Deal With Migraines

How to Effectively Deal With Migraines : It’s estimated that as many as 38 million Americans suffer from migraines, including 5 million who experience at least one per month. Migraines aren’t just a pain; they can lower one’s quality of life, decrease productivity, and strain personal relationships. Indeed, some 11 million people blame migraines for causing moderate to severe disabilities. 

Fortunately, there are some steps that you can take to prevent and deal with migraines. First, if you’re suffering from migraines, consider reaching out to a medical professional who specializes in sleep disorders or talk to your primary care provider. Your migraines may be the result of a serious undiagnosed medical condition. That being said, there are some other measures you can implement.

  • Set a Consistent Eating Schedule

A consistent, healthy diet may help reduce the frequency and severity of migraines. That’s why you should set a consistent schedule, regularly eating meals at about the same time every day. Never skip your meals either, as doing so could trigger the onset of a migraine.

It’s a good idea to keep a food journal so you can track what your eating. You should check to see if any foods regularly coincide with your migraines. If so, try skipping them and see if the migraines go away. If there are any foods you consume in large quantities, such as soda, try cutting back on those too so you can see if they’re linked to your migraines.

Some foods, such as alcohol, aged cheese, caffeine, and chocolate, are believed to trigger migraines. If you’re consuming such foods, consider cutting them out of your diet.

  • Get Regular Sleep

Irregular or insufficient sleep can result in not only migraines but can also reduce your productivity and produce mood changes. A healthy night’s sleep is vital for your health. If you’re struggling to fall asleep, you may want to reach out to an XX or XX.

There are some general tips you can and should follow as well. Avoid caffeine, especially later in the day. If you’re having trouble falling asleep, don’t force it. Try reading a book or otherwise occupying your mind.

Meditation techniques may also help. Regular exercise during the day will use up your energy reserves as well. If an underlying condition, such as a Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, stress, or something else is causing you to lose sleep, you should address it.

  • Find Your Calm Place

Is a migraine already setting in? It’s time to retreat to your calm place. Go find a quiet, preferably dark room and lay down. Try taking some slow, steady breaths and do your best to relax. Meditation techniques may help here as well.

What’s important is getting away from obnoxious stimuli that could make your migraine worse. If you can’t escape to another room, try earplugs and eye masks.

  • Heat Treatment Can Help

Hot and cold packs can both help reduce migraines. Hot packs may be able to melt away the pain and can also relax muscles. Cold packs can provide numbing relief. Don’t have any packs? Make a hot or cold compress by simply using a washcloth or towel.

  • Try a Hot Cup of Tea

Hot drinks can be soothing and some people report that drinking tea provides some migraine relief. Small doses of caffeine can also help if your migraine is just starting to set in. Likewise, caffeine can increase the effectiveness of certain drugs, such as Tylenol. Keep in mind, however, that too much caffeine could make your migraine worse.

  • Address Underlying Issues

Migraines are often caused by underlying conditions. If you are suffering from an underlying condition, then the most important step for treating your migraines may be to treat said conditions. Medications and everything else will, at best, provide temporary pain relief.

Various conditions can cause migraines. TMJ disorders, infections, stress, and brain tumors have all been linked to migraines (although, in some cases, the links aren’t conclusive.)

  • Reduce Stress in Your Life

Stress is a common cause of headaches and migraines. Unfortunately, life can be very stressful. Career and family obligations may be causing strife and by extension stress. Health issues, personal finances, and various other things can all cause stress.

If you’re suffering from migraines, you should examine ways to reduce stress. That might mean getting your finances in order, taking a vacation, or something else.

  • Talk to Your Doctor about Prescription Drugs

Finally, there are a variety of prescription drugs that may be able to provide pain relief or to address underlying issues. You should always consult with your doctor or another medical practitioner when considering such drugs, as some have side effects, are addictive, or otherwise may detrimentally impact your health.


Ken is a huge fan of living the best and healthiest life possible. His well being is extremely important to him and he currently enjoys helping Restore TMJ & Sleep Therapy get the word out about their expertise. Other than that he enjoys blogging, hiking, and plenty of steak.


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How to Effectively Deal With Migraines

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