5 Signs of Potential Heart Problems : Coronary artery disease, also known as heart disease, causes roughly 735,000 heart attacks each year and kills more than 630,000 Americans every year. With heart disease accounting for the most deaths in the United States, it’s important that we address these concerns and stay aware as to the signs and symptoms of a potential heart problem.
Heart disease encompasses heart failure, coronary heart disease, angina, arrhythmias, and other heart-related irregularities. Hearts disease is a silent killer, most people that have it don’t know they do until it’s too late. There are signs that you can look out for if you are at risk for heart and help available before you suffer a serious heart attack.
Chest Pain
Chest pain is usually one of the first signs that heart problems may be around the corner for you. When you take a walk or do some light activity that normally wouldn’t make you feel tired now all of a sudden makes your chest feel tight and in pain. If you are ever feeling extreme chest pain or tightness in your chest area definitely call 911 and get yourself to the nearest hospital immediately as this could be a sign of a heart attack which can prove deadly if not treated right away.
Hearts Palpitations
Feeling a fluttery feeling in your chest can be alarming, although it is usually nothing serious, if it happens often it could be a symptom of hearts disease or heart problems. Factors such as too much caffeine or anxiety can also cause hearts palpitations but in some cases, they are a cause for a more serious concern.
Shortness of Breath
If you feel the need to take a deep breath or yawn more often than you used to it could be a sign of shortness of breath which is sometimes caused by a hearts problem. Taking deep gulps of air more times than necessary and constantly feeling like you need more air are all areas of concern that should be addressed if the symptom continues.
Swelling in Legs, Ankles or Feet
If you start to experience swelling (also known as edema) in your lower legs, it could be another sign of an underlying heart problem. The swelling in your legs is caused when your heart isn’t working properly, causing the blood flow to slow and back up into the veins in your legs. This backup in your veins causes fluid buildup in your tissues, resulting in edema. You might also notice swelling in your stomach or have weight gain.
There are many reasons you could feel tired. Whether it is not getting enough sleep or being stressed. While this means you just need to get more rest, it could be a sign of an underlining heart issue. Fatigue becomes an issue when you start to feel more tired than normal and often more common in women to feel severely tired before and during a heart attack. Other signs that your fatigue could be because of a more serious problem is when you feel so tired that you can’t participate in your normal daily activities or you suddenly feel weak.
Risk Factors
When it comes to heart disease, there are people who are at a higher risk. Those who are at a risk include men, generally people who are older and also have a family history of heart disease. Other people who are at risk include people who smoke as well as abuse alcohol or drink excessively. If you have a diet that is high in saturated fat, are obese (BMI over 25)
or are not active are also at risk for heart problems. People who do not have their diabetes under control are also at risk for heart disease as well as anyone suffering from hypertension (high blood pressure) and high cholesterol. If you are concerned about your risk factors, speak with your physician.
Although it’s important to know the warning sign and symptoms of hearts disease it is even more important to know how to prevent it from even happening in the first place. Regular exercise and weight training are great ways to keep a strong and healthy cardiovascular system and good blood circulation leading to a smaller chance of getting hearts disease. Also eating healthy and nutritious foods high in vitamins and minerals is another great way to ensure you keep your heart healthy and strong.
If you do happen to be diagnosed with a cardiovascular condition do not panic as treatment is available. Doctors now have access to the updates in microcatheters which are basically small little tubes that can enter in the tiny vascular system and diagnose and treat a problem. With the updates in microcatheters they can now find the problem quicker and therefore treat it more efficiently. Medical imaging has come a long way and will be able to potentially save your life you get the treatment you need in a timely manner. Remember your health is the most important thing in the world and you need to do everything you can to prevent an untimely hearts attack and early departure from your family and loved ones.
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