Combat Fatigue with Food

With the high consumption of refined foods which are loaded with sugars, preservatives, colorings, and chemicals, there is a plethora of reasons why you’re feeling run-down. Your fatigue can be also caused by some other things such as illness, stress, lack of sleep and anemia. Typically, anemia is caused by illness, but sometimes it can also be caused by a lack of essential vitamins and minerals. There are a few helpful ways to combat fatigue with food, which will help you get your energy back. Keep reading…

1. Zinc


Every person needs zinc for energy metabolism. A lack of zinc is a common nutrient deficiency that affects the immune system. In fact, adequate zinc levels help improve bone health and increase aerobic capacity. The most common signs of zinc deficiency are low energy, decreased appetite, acne, rashes, white streaks or spots on the nails, poor eye sight and hair loss. If you are concerned, look for help from your doctor. However, you can also include nuts, pumpkin seeds, oatmeal, chicken, red meat and seafood into your diet to improve your zinc levels.


2. Iron


One of the reasons for your fatigue is iron deficiency. Poor diet, illness, or blood loss can cause anemia and result in the iron levels of the body being depleted. Make sure that your diet includes iron-rich foods like nuts, dark leafy greens, lentils and sunflower seeds. It’s one of the best ways to combat fatigue with food.


3. Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is important for the red blood cell formation and a healthy nervous system. Make sure you include low fat dairy foods, fish, and eggs into your diet. If you are a vegetarian, you can opt for some fortified cereals or take a supplement.


4. Folate


Known as folic acid, folate is needed in your body for numerous reasons. It supports cell production and helps prevent anemia. Moreover, it allows nerves to function properly, prevents osteoporosis-related bone fractures and helps prevent dementia. You can find folate in red meat, liver, nuts and green vegetables.


5. Complex carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates

If your diet is low in calories, iron and zinc or high in refined carbs, you may suffer from fatigue. Starchy carbs such as wholegrain bread, pasta, and oat-based products, help improve stamina and slow release energy. It’s always a good idea to choose the wholegrain varieties.


6. Herbal teas

Herbal teas

It’s so tempting to have a cup of coffee to get your energy back, but this can make you feel even worse. Limit your caffeine intake and start drinking herbal teas. It’s much healthier and it can help combat your fatigue. If you can’t imagine your day without coffee, opt for the decaf variety.


7. Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds

A small amount of sugar in your diet is good. But, too much of it can reduce your energy levels. Limit your sugar intake and go for seeds and nuts, which are rich in the vitamins that you need to keep your energy levels at their peak.

Definitely, if the symptoms of your fatigue are severe and changes to your diet don’t help, then it’s important to seek help from your doctor to ensure there is not a serious underlying reason for your fatigue. Do you have any other tips for fighting fatigue with food? Please share them with us.



Combat Fatigue with Food