5 Things To Consider When Choosing A Laser Hair Removal Clinic : Body hair — it’s personal. While a hairless silhouette may serve as a symbol of femininity for certain women, others prefer to remove hair exclusively during the summer months — or simply leave it be. That being said, regardless of your personal preference, you are sure to agree that when undesirable, hair removal is a costly, time-consuming and often painful process.
Though waxing, sugaring, shaving, and epilation are all viable alternatives to hair growth, none of them are that sustainable in the long run.
Thankfully, laser hair removal has come a long way in recent years with huge advances in technology, making it nearly universally applicable. However, choosing a clinic for laser hair removal should not be taken lightly — here are five important factors to consider when looking for one that best suits your needs.
Take the time to seek out a clinic with the relevant and up-to-date credentials. The VTCT Level 4 Certificate in Laser and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Treatments is the gold standard of qualifications — on top of a Level 3 diploma in a relevant subject. This ensures that practitioners have a deep understanding of laser therapy, relevant legislation and all aspects of safety.
Clinics should also have insurance in place to protect both parties financially in the event of an accident — which happens more often than you might think. As Salon Gold reminds practitioners: “all it takes is one mishap during a procedure for it to all go bottoms up. What if you accidentally burn a client’s skin with an IPL or laser? How do you handle a client seeking compensation?” With that in mind, be sure to take note of the salon’s active policies before having any treatment. If the business owners can’t take the time to obtain such vital cover, what does this say about the rest of their operation?
Laser hair removal is generally safe, but it can cause side-effects. Without essential safety measures in place you can be at risk of experiencing a wide range of injuries — from mild blistering and bruising, to scarring and severe burns. You should always book a consultation with a practitioner prior to going through with the treatment. They should tell you exactly what the procedure involves, including:
- How it will be carried out
- The most common complications of the procedure
- What aftercare you can expect and who will look after you
- What to do if something goes wrong or you’re not happy with the result
If your assessment reveals that you are a good candidate for laser hair removal, the physician should do a patch test on you — even if you have had treatment on other parts of your body. On the day of your treatment, you should be offered numbing cream and goggles to protect your eyes, and be made to feel as comfortable as possible.
Many other patients will have visited the clinic before you, and if adequate cleanliness and safety protocols are not followed, you may be at danger of cross-infection or receive a generally unpleasant experience. If not sterilised or sanitised between uses, everything that comes into contact with the consumer can cause infection.Therefore, you should take a look around before making an appointment with a salon. Many provide a variety of additional treatments, which might be useful markers of a clinic’s sanitation. Keep an eye out for items like towels on the floor, a disorganised reception area, and unclean customer restrooms — if a salon does not keep these areas pristine, it may well be the same for its general attention to hygiene.
Laser hair removal has been around for a lot longer than you might imagine, with techniques dating back to the 1960s. There are numerous laser hair removal solutions available today, and new technology is continually being introduced to the cosmetic industry.
As a result, you should spend some time researching the various laser hair removal treatments that are available. These are: electrolysis, intense pulsed light therapy (IPL), and common laser therapy — with five primary subsets: Ruby, Alexandrite, IPL, diode and Nd:YAG.
However, not all laser systems are created equal. Look for a clinic that does not compromise on technology and invests in high-quality equipment to suit your hair type, skin tone and personal preferences.
You’ll most likely need more than one laser hair removal treatment appointment. In fact, the average person requires six to eight treatment sessions, albeit this varies depending on skin tone, hair type, and body part. As a result, when it comes to price, it’s critical to understand not only the cost of a single session but that of multiple appointments. Once you’ve determined the price from a specific salon, compare the figure with at least two of its competitors, taking into account seasonal bargains, special offers (such as first-time customer discounts), and feasible payment plans. You may notice a difference in the pricing structure of the salons. These can be influenced by numerous factors, including location, credentials and type of treatment.
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