5 Ways to Prepare Your Home for Winter : Homeownership comes with plenty of responsibilities, especially during changing seasons. Fall swept leaves across your yard and now it’s time for snow to settle over your dormant plants. Before you buckle in for ice and snowstorms, make sure you give your home the extra attention it needs to last through to spring.
These are the five best ways to prepare your home for winter. They only take a few minutes to complete and they’ll save you the headache of going without heat or overpaying on your electric bill. Also you can check out the warm home discounts scheme if you want to lower the energy bill.
Inspect Your HVAC System
Your HVAC system works every day to keep your home comfortable. It’s a reliable and necessary part of life, so it’s easy to take it for granted. Checking it before nightly temperatures drop below freezing could prevent it from breaking down when you need it the most.
When you have some free time, inspect your HVAC system for clogged yard debris or strange noises. If it hasn’t had a professional inspection in the last year, it’s also good to get one scheduled. A professional will look inside to find issues you might not spot on your own, suggesting repairs that save money compared to replacing the entire unit.
Seal Exterior Cracks
Years of weathering eventually creates cracks that lead to more damage. Check your window sealant and wooden siding for leaks that allow cold air into your home and for your HVAC unit to run up your electric bill. A bit of sealant though your timber sash window is all you need to fix that issue and conserve your indoor heat.
You should also keep an eye out for cracks in your concrete or asphalt driveway. As ice freezes and melts, those cracks grow and break your driveway apart. Before your next flurry of snowflakes, seal any driveway cracks so it lasts for many more years.
Reverse Ceiling Fans
Reversing your ceiling fans is a simple way to prepare your home for winter. When they spin counter-clockwise, they pull air up and push it out along the ceiling. Switch them to a clockwise spin so they draw heat down and save money by using existing heat to warm your home.
Clean Your Gutters
Clogged, frozen gutters distort water runoff from rainstorms and melting snow. That drainage could rip away the soil in your yard, washing away nutrients that help your plants thrive. During your next sunny Saturday afternoon, clean your gutters with helpful tips to protect your hands and clean more efficiently.
Test Your Smoke Detector
Research shows that home fires increase during the winter because of faulting heating equipment and unchecked fireplaces. Make sure you test your smoke detector before the cold weather settles in. If each unit has fresh batteries and works properly, your family will stay safe all year long.
Get an Early Start
These quick ways to prepare your home for winter are all easy to do. Get an early start on your winter preparation by using these tips to protect your loved ones and stay comfortable through even the coldest winter nights.
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