6 Top Weight Loss Tips For Women In Their 30s

6 Top Weight Loss Tips For Women In Their 30s : The 30s are your peak years, especially if you have a well-established career and a family. You’re way better than others if you’re lucky enough to have your own home and developed a strong sense of self-identity with big ambitions.

Being in your 30s also means you have a balanced diet and are healthy overall. But, if you have a slower metabolism, you’ll find yourself struggling in life with weight issues.

Aging is inevitable, and it can sometimes get overwhelming if you struggle with a slow metabolism. You have to make some adjustments to avoid weight gain and obesity.

At this stage, you must make the right choices to ensure optimal health by speeding up your metabolism and keeping your weight in check.

As a working individual, with the burden of work and family, it becomes challenging to include healthy habits, like regular exercise, in the routine.

But this is where you must be consistent and steadfast in making difficult choices regarding what you eat and when to eat; your diet will play the most significant role here.

With that said, here are some tips to help you achieve your goal:

  1. Have clear goals

    For most people, a weight loss journey is for the sole purpose of improving physical appearance and self-image – and it might be for you too, but remember that this is not as effective as you think.

    Staying in better overall health should be the reason for your weight loss efforts. Why? Because weight loss can lower blood pressure, decrease chances of heart disease, improve mobility, enhance mood, promote better sleep, etc.

    Obesity, on the other hand, can cause several problems like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, gallbladder problems, osteoarthritis, and more.

    The risk of these problems increases further as you age. So if you want to get fit after 50, check out Pahla B now! So your efforts to stay fit persist even after you cross your 50s.

    Research has shown that women who aimed for weight loss to improve overall health and reduce the risk of other diseases were more successful than those who did it to enhance their appearance.

    Those motivated by health reasons experienced significant weight loss, while those inspired by appearance gained weight after 30 months!

  2. Monitor your stress

    Unfortunately, with everything that happened during the early years of your life, stress is inevitable. Some people face issues maintaining a work-home balance, while others struggle with looking young and fresh.

    In addition to affecting mental health, stress is known to have a negative toll on your body too. In terms of weight gain, stress increases cortisol levels and subsequently leads to unhealthy cravings.

    To counter stress and avoid gaining weight, including stress relieving techniques in your daily schedule is an excellent idea.

    Yoga and mindful meditation, for instance, are known to relax your mind, lower blood pressure and heart rate, improve sleep, and much more.

  3. Drink plenty of water

    At any age, keeping yourself hydrated is key to maintaining a healthy weight. Your body’s demand for water differs with age, current weight, level of activity, etc.

    Water is essential in keeping your metabolism in check; a study conducted in 2003 showed that 16 ounces of water could increase your body’s potential to burn calories by 30%.

    Another way water helps reduce weight is by reducing your appetite. When the stomach is full of water, it is perceived by the brain as full, preventing you from overeating.

    It is also suggested that one tends to misinterpret thirst as hunger and eat something to overcome this perceived hunger.

    A study conducted with 50 overweight females proves the effectiveness of water in reducing weight.

    When they drank an additional 500 mL of water before breakfast, lunch, and dinner for eight weeks, they experienced a loss in body mass, weight, and fat.

  4. Manage your sleep schedule

    As surprising as it may sound, your sleep routine impacts your body weight. Research has shown that around 35% of adults in the United States sleep less than 7 hours. When you have so much to handle, sleep is neglected.

    Insufficient sleep is a leading factor behind the inability to lose weight. In fact, short sleep is linked strongly with weight gain and obesity in all age groups.

    Sleep is known to affect your hunger and thus encourage you to eat more than necessary. Lack of sleep increases levels of ghrelin, a hunger hormone, and reduces levels of leptin, the hormone that makes you feel full.

    Inevitably, you eat more than necessary and gain weight.

  5. Steer clear of fad diets

    Fad diets that guarantee instant weight loss within a brief period are nothing but traps; unfortunately, people in their 30s are most likely to fall into them.

    Fad diets often require you to eliminate a food group from your diet and can cause severe deficiencies if kept going for a long time.

    Watch out for fad diet recommendations; these promise quick results, have rigid rules, exclude or restrict certain food groups, and limit the intake of certain nutrients.

    Such diets are known to cause dehydration, fatigue, nausea, constipation, and vitamin or mineral deficiencies.

    Instead, consume a balanced diet while reducing portions and practicing mindful eating.

  6. Stay active

    It is a common misconception that only an intense regular workout can help lose body fat; the importance of an active lifestyle is ignored.

    This doesn’t mean that intense workouts are not effective; only that they are not necessary. To achieve the same results, incorporate physical activity into your daily routine.

    Increase your step count, aim for more time walking than sitting, hit the gym for a few hours, and take the stairs instead of the elevator.

    One thing to remember here is not to overdo it immediately; if your current routine is very sedentary, take it slow.

    Set small goals and gradually aim for higher activity levels. If you currently average 1,000 steps a day, go for 2,500 for the next week and increase gradually.

    You can aim for greater intensity exercise once you are comfortable with the level you are currently at.


Maintaining healthy body weight is quite a challenge once you’re passing 30 because your metabolism slows down.

However, nothing is impossible if you put your heart and mind into it. First, redirect your focus on ensuring overall health by losing weight instead of improving your appearance.

Keep your stress levels in check, drink lots of water, sleep well, avoid fad diets, and stay active. These changes will positively impact your health and help you manage weight.



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Top Weight Loss Tips For Women In Their 30s

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