5 Habits to Find Work-life Balance as a Working Mum

5 Habits to Find Work-life Balance as a Working Mum : Do you struggle to find a balance between your family life and your career? You are not alone with your problem! In today’s busy world, every working mum has the same struggles.

The good news is that if you change your daily habits, you will achieve both goals: become a better mum and succeed at work.

Are you excited to learn more about these habits? Let’s get started.

  1. Set priorities

    Work-life balance is all about setting the right priorities. If you do not prioritize your daily tasks, you will have little chance to succeed in life.
    As a working mum, you always have a billion of things to do, but it doesn’t mean you should try to do them all at once. Since there are only 24 hours in a day, sometimes it’s just impossible to finish a long to-do list on time. So you should always prioritize your time.

    What plans do you have for tonight? Do you need water your orchids, to cook a healthy dinner, and to help your son with learning a song? Well, your child and your flowers definitely need your attention right now, so you can’t skip these tasks.

    But what about cooking dinner? You can order a healthy meal from the premade healthy meals in your area instead of spending your time preparing a meal by yourself. It’s a better option than if you would sacrifice your sleep, or if you would decide to water your orchids “other day” and then find your favorite flowers destroyed.

  2. Delegate like a pro

    Once you prioritize your tasks, you will see what you need to do right now, what you can do later, and what tasks you can delegate to someone else.
    Being a working mum, you don’t have to do all the work by yourself. You can ask your husband or your relatives to assist you. Or, you can outsource professional services, if needed.

    Imagine the following situation. Your daughter has just written an important essay. You want to help your kid to revise her paper. But unfortunately, you have to stay late at the office to finish a monthly report.

    How will you solve this problem? You can delegate the task to your husband or other close family members (every literate adult can proofread the essay written by a kid, right?). Or, you can take advantage of the best writing websites and delegate this task to professional proofreaders. Whatever solution you choose, the goal will be accomplished – the essay will be checked for grammar and spelling, and your daughter will avoid any problems at school.

    You see, sometimes you don’t need to do everything by yourself to make your family happy. So why don’t you delegate tasks more often?

  3. Schedule a “me time”

    What will happen to you if you will be extremely busy at work and home all the time and will have no minute to be alone? One day you will burnout, and that will be a disaster.To be in a good mood and be able to balance family and career, you should have enough “me time” in your life. You should “reserve” at least one hour a week and at least one day a month for yourself.

    Let’s say you want to get a massage weekly, but you always lack time for it. To change your life for better, you need to make your visits to the local massage studio a new habit.

    Here is what you need to do. Firstly, announce your family that every Thursday from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. you will visit a massage studio. Secondly, contact a studio and book appointments for the next two months. Thirdly, promise yourself that you will keep visiting the studio and enjoying every single minute of “me hour” during the next two months no matter what.

    You will be surprised at how this new habit will change your life! Once you get enough time to unwind and to be alone, you will feel less stressed. As a result, you will have more energy to work and to care about your kids.

  4. Start your day in the most productive way

    What time do you usually get up? Can you try to get up 15, 30, or 60 minutes earlier? That may help you to start your day without rushing and feeling anxious and overwhelmed.
    The morning time is the only time when you can sit in the kitchen and drink your coffee, enjoying the peace and silence. It’s the only time when you can focus on yourself and your needs, and do what is important for you.

    Do you tend to skip workouts because you feel exhausted after work? Do you want to start reading a new book but have no time in the evenings? Here is a solution for you.

    Wake up one hour earlier and go to the gym if you want to exercise. Or stay at home and read a book if you want it. Fill your morning with positive energy. Start your day in the right way, and it will get easier for you to find a balance between your family life and work life.

  5. Don’t overuse your phone

    How many times per day do you look at your phone? How many minutes a day do you spend scrolling through Facebook and reading tweets? The sad truth is that your gadget steals your precious time, and you should find a way to fix it.

    To get rid of a bad habit (the habit of using your phone for no reason), you should establish a new good habit. Let’s say you always stare at your phone while waiting for your coffee machine to brew you a cup. You should find a new way to use this “”waiting time”. Instead of scrolling through Instagram, you can try to do a few squats or lunges. That’s exactly what your body needs in the morning, isn’t it?

    Once you combat your phone addiction, you will spend more quality time with your kids and get more focused on your work. Your overall productivity will get improved – and you will find the life balance you are looking for.


Do you feel like you don’t pay enough attention to your family? Do you feel like you don’t perform your best at the office? Don’t panic, and don’t sabotage yourself!

You are a great mum, and you can solve all the problems you go through. You can find a perfect work-life balance. All you need to do is to establish new good habits and take control of your time.


Author :

Daniela McVicker is a psychologist and family counselor. She is also a freelance writer and a contributor to Essay Guard. Her passion is writing about leading a healthy family life and helping people enjoy their lives to the fullest.






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5 Habits to Find Work-life Balance as a Working Mum

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