Getting A Hair Transplant Treatment During Pregnancy: Is It Safe?

Getting A Hair Transplant Treatment During Pregnancy: Is It Safe? Pregnancy introduces a multitude of changes to the mother’s body. As an outcome of certain changes within the body, women can lose hair in notable quantities. The extent of hair loss during pregnancy can be so great that women may start wondering if it is safe to get a hair transplant treatment during pregnancy.

Hair loss is not something new. People shed around 100-150 hairs every day as that is a natural part of the hair growth cycle. But an increase in the rate of hair loss owing to pregnancy sets off an alarm in most women. Hence, it is necessary to understand why it happens.

Hair Loss During Pregnancy

The hair grows in a cyclical manner and this process is ongoing. There are three phases of growth:

  1. Anagen-, where the hair receives nourishment from the blood supply before finally sprouting out.
  2. Catagen, in which the hair detaches itself from the blood supply since it is fully grown now.
  3. Telogen, where the hair enters a ‘resting period’ and awaits for new hair to sprout out and replace it.

During pregnancy, women’s bodies get flooded with two hormones namely, estrogen and progesterone. This affects a graft’s blood circulation and reduces the growth of hair. Hence, some women might suffer severe hair loss during pregnancy.

Additionally, pregnant women might observe their hair loss owing to stress during pregnancy. This phenomenon is known as ‘Telogen Effluvium’, and is related to hormonal changes. These sudden hormonal changes can worsen the body balance and may lead to hair loss. This type of hair loss occurs slowly and lasts for six months, and the results are mainly temporary.

Hair loss can also occur as a side effect of the thyroid hormone being excreted excessively. Similarly, deficiency of iron due to hormonal changes within the mother’s body can lead to hair loss during the pregnancy period too. However, hair loss occurred by the deficiency of iron is temporary. After childbirth, the hair returns to its normal growth circulation.

Once the baby is born, hormonal levels readjust to normalcy which means there’s another sudden change for the hair. The hair that was in the prolonged resting period will now fall to make room for a new one. Women can see their hair falling all at the same time or in clumps for three to four months after childbirth. As specified, the hair falls to make room for new ones, hence making the hair transplant treatment during pregnancy unimportant in most cases. Just wait for some time, and it will be fine.

Hair Transplant Treatment During Pregnancy

To be clear, hair transplant treatment during pregnancy is, in fact, completely possible and plausible to perform, but not required in most cases.  During the surgery, nothing is injected in your body and hence will not harm your baby and you. Only local anesthesia is given to the patient to numb the scalp so that the patient does not feel any kind of pain. During the surgery, the hair follicles are taken from the back of the scalp and are transplanted in the affected area. The surgery takes around three to four hours and after the surgery there will be no scar on the scalp. The patient will only feel pain and swelling on the scalp.

Is Hair Transplant Treatment Safe During Pregnancy?

Hair Transplant Treatment is an important alternative if hair loss does not stop after pregnancy and childbirth. Contrary to what is believed, it is possible to perform a hair transplant treatment on pregnant women as well. However, there are several opinions regarding thew treatment. Some experts say that this process is safe during pregnancy while others do not share the same opinion.

According to the experts who say that it is unnecessary to undergo hair transplant during pregnancy, it is not prominent whether the hair loss is permanent owing to the hormonal changes during pregnancy. Another reason that makes pregnant women not suitable for hair transplant treatment is due to the local anesthesia used to prevent pain during the process. The narcotic may have adverse effects on the embryo and his growth. Hair Transplant process without anesthesia can be hard for women patients during pregnancy as they may not feel comfortable.

It is up to the patient if she wants to wait for a little while or get the surgery done when she is expecting the baby. It is better to consult a doctor regarding the treatment and then decide whether it should be done or not.



Pardeep Garg is online entrepreneur, and author. He is passionate about Market Research and loves to write on topics Market Research, Business, Health, Finance, Information and Opinions to success in life.






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