7 Common Reasons For Getting UTI That You Must Know : Urinary tract infection, also known as UTI, is an infectious condition that occurs in any part of the urinary system, including the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra.
It occurs most frequently within the bladder and urethra and it’s characterized by pain or burning sensations when urinating. Lower abdominal pain, fever, and other non-constitutional symptoms are very common.
Furthermore, for anatomical reasons, women are more often affected by these infections than their male counterparts. Nonetheless, many other factors influence the risk of contracting a UTI in both males and females. So, by knowing some of these common reasons, it is possible to avoid getting infected most of the time.
- Too Much Sexual intercourse
Sex is a common trigger for urinary tract infection especially due to the microtrauma that occurs in the act. Some women with recurrent cystitis have been showed to develop a new episode of UTI after intercourse.In this case, it is recommended that you urinate after intercourse and empty your bladder, to wash away any micro-organism that may find its way into the urinary tract.The use of a diaphragm can also favor infections by altering the natural bacterial flora of the private part caused by the application of a spermicidal gel. - Menopause
After 50 years, the estrogen deficiency associated with menopause has been found to promote the development of cystitis.Also, genital and urinary prolapse which occurs mostly in senior women may prevent complete emptying of the bladder and predispose to infection. - Pregnancy
Other elements like pregnancy play a crucial role in the development of urinary tract infections in women. Hormonal factors, especially, are the culprits as evidenced by the more frequent occurrence of UTI in pregnancy.Moreover, during pregnancy, compression of the bladder by the uterus promotes urinary stasis which is a good culture environment for microbes. - Personal hygiene
Unhealthy toilet habits are one of the reasons why some women develop UTI. Douching, for instance, may cause an imbalance in the natural flora and promote the development of a UTI. For the same reason, the aggressive use of soaps or bubble baths should be avoided to prevent cystitis.It is also essential for women with recurrent cystitis to always wipe from front to back after using the toilet to prevent the spread of fecal germs to the urethra.Furthermore, all causes of irritation and infection of the genital region, including vaginitis or pruritus resulting in scratching lesions, promote the occurrence of a UTI. You can prevent recurring utis by simply improving your personal hygiene. - Inadequate water intake
Drinking a lot of water induces regular excretion of urine which helps to evacuate germs lodging in the urinary tract. This is a fundamental principle for preventing recurrent UTI in men and women.Conversely, drinking little favors the growth of disease-causing microbes.There is little wonder why the risk of developing a UTI is higher in the summer, especially when traveling to hot regions, as there is a tendency to sweat more and urinate less. So, adequate water intake is one of the best uti prevention methods you can apply. - Prostate disorders
Studies have shown that after the age of 50, there is a reduction in the quantity of secretions from the prostate which eventually promotes the onset of cystitis in men. Moreover, the development of prostate diseases (such as prostatitis and prostate enlargement) in older men impedes the complete emptying of the bladder and promotes the growth of UTIs in this age group.
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