7 Key Reasons Why Wearing Makeup Can Make You a Stronger Woman

There’s more to wearing makeup than just looking good for others. Keep reading for 7 key reasons why wearing makeup can make you a stronger woman.

From the copper and lead ore used by the Ancient Egyptians to the burnt matches, berries, and other strange ingredients used for cosmetics, makeup has come a long way from its humble origins.

Today, there are limitless possibilities in the makeup world and safer, more effective formulas. Although many things have changed, the basic principles are still the same.

Makeup enhances the appearance, but that’s not all it’s there for. In fact, wearing makeup has a number of benefits that go far beyond aesthetics.

Read on for our top 7 reasons why wearing makeup can make you a stronger woman.

  1. Wearing Makeup Increases Confidence

    Although wearing makeup isn’t the “end all, be all” of being a strong, confident woman, it can certainly put the extra pep in your step. That’s because we feel good when we look good, and everything else seems to follow suit.

    Even if you’ve had a late night, or just aren’t feeling like your best, you can spruce up your appearance with a little makeup in a pinch. That way, you don’t have to feel like you’re not looking good on top of everything else.

  2. Makeup Is a Creative Outlet

    Wearing makeup is the perfect way to express yourself creatively in a productive, practical way. Even if your time is limited, you can still feel like you did something that benefits the rest of your day.

    There are a ton of products out there in every color, style, and finish. When it comes to different combinations, the possibilities are pretty much endless. No matter what, there’s always a new color or product out there to bring a little excitement, even when life seems a bit monotonous.

    When life starts to get busy, it can be difficult to set time aside to pursue creative endeavors. If you haven’t found time for your music, writing, art, or other activities you enjoy, you can still have some daily time to play with colors and make something new. It’s a small practice that can make a big difference.

  3. Wearing Makeup Enhances Natural Features

    Contrary to what some people say, wearing makeup isn’t meant to hide from or deceive anyone. Rather, it’s there to take your best features and make them shine.

    For example, if your eyes are your favorite feature, you can play them up with some bold looks that perfectly complement them. If you’re more into your lips, you can play those up with a bold lip color that will have all eyes on you.

    Playing up your best features is a great way to appreciate your natural beauty and enhance it. You’ll feel better about yourself and discover a newfound appreciation for your best features.

  4. Wearing Makeup Can Protect Your Skin

    In some cases, wearing makeup can actually improve the appearance and health of your skin over time. There are a ton of options out there with anti-aging, SPF, and other skin-loving ingredients built right in.

    As an added bonus, wearing makeup can also make you look more flushed, glowy, and tan without subjecting your skin to the sun. Arrive cosmetics suggests donning a long-lasting bronzer every day to give yourself a sun-kissed glow without the sun’s harmful rays.

  5. Makeup Can Bond You with Other Women

    It’s no secret that there are a lot of tips, tricks, principles, and products in the world of makeup. If you’re experimenting with different techniques and products, the possibilities are practically endless.

    While this is certainly an exciting opportunity to try a variety of new things, it can get overwhelming. After all, there are so many artists, brands, and products out there to try. If you don’t know where to begin, you could be missing out.

    This is where the community of women wearing makeup comes in: women can bond with each other by giving pointers and sharing the knowledge that they’ve gained during their trials and errors. It’s a fun subject to talk about and gives strong women a chance to build each other up.

  6. Putting on Makeup Prepares You for Anything

    Think of wearing makeup as applying your warpaint: it can prepare you for pretty much anything. With a full face of makeup on, a strong woman can feel even more boss-like and ready to take on the world.

    There’s something about the ritual of applying makeup before heading out to a job interview, business meeting, date, or any other social engagement you can think of: it makes you feel more ready to walk out the door and tackle it. When you’re wearing makeup, the world is your oyster; all you have to do is go out and grab the pearl.

  7. Wearing Makeup is Something You Do…For You

    Being a strong, confident woman often comes with a lot of engagements, burdens, and duties towards others. Whether you’re busy on the job, raising children, or just finding your place in the world, it can sometimes feel like you don’t do anything for yourself anymore.

    Ritualistic self-care, such as eating healthy, sleeping well, doing spa treatments, and wearing makeup are all things you can do to pamper yourself. Even though it seems like a simple concept, it can offer a lot of benefits that go far beyond just enhancing your appearance for others.

    Being a boss means working hard and, in some cases, making sacrifices. However, you want to make sure to keep it all in balance. Neglecting yourself can quickly snowball into something much worse.

    That’s where wearing makeup comes in: setting time aside to beautify your appearance is something you do just for YOU. It helps you feel more confident, lets you express yourself, and allows you to present yourself to the world however you decide. When you’re balancing a busy life, sometimes that can make all the difference.


Wearing makeup is about so much more than impressing others. It’s about making time for self-care, playing up your best features, and expressing your unique personality. With so many colors and options, it’s the perfect way to complement your strong, go-getting personality.

Check back soon for more beauty advice!





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7 Key Reasons Why Wearing Makeup Can Make You a Stronger Woman

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