8 Secrets to Being a Happy Mom : Being a mom is one of the most beautiful feelings in the world. At the same time, it can be challenging and overwhelming at times and only other mothers can understand. This is so as a lot is placed upon moms. After giving birth, the baby is dependent on its mom, and it is the mom’s responsibility to take care of the baby.
However, as the father is working and is out of the house for most of the day, it is up to the mom to also take care of the regular household chores. There is cleaning, doing the laundry, doing dishes, and preparing meals while taking care of the baby and sleeping very little. Understandably, it can feel exhausting. However, we are here to reveal 8 secrets to being a happy mom.
This is important, as a happy mom equals a happy family. So, to be a happy mom, you should get out of the house sometimes. Also, you should seek and accept help when you really need it. Going on a trip can help you ease your mind and bring some change in your life that you yearn for. When kids come, the romance between a couple often decreases, but this is something you need to change. Devote some time to each other. When your baby is sleeping, you should too. Sleep is essential for regeneration. Moreover, being active, hanging out with friends and working on your mindset are also things that can raise your happiness.
Get out of the house
After giving birth, there is some time moms need to recover and recuperate and during those first weeks, they usually don’t leave their house. Even when this recovery period passes, moms are often unwilling to leave their homes, as they feel safe and tucked in there. However, over time, such confinement can cause moms to feel unhappy. To prevent sad or depressive feelings from emerging, moms should make a plan to leave their homes for some activities. For example, you can plan a walk to the park with your baby. You can also go cycling when your baby is old enough. As your baby grows, you have more possibilities for some activities together, out of the house. Embrace this.
Seek and accept help
Taking care of a baby and all the household chores can be too much at times. And this si the time when moms would appreciate the help. However, they are either too shy to ask for help or they think that by asking for help they are bad mothers. Either way, this is a wrong approach. For a mom to be happy, she needs help, at least sometimes. Help can come in many forms. For instance, a friend or a relative can babysit while you take a rest or do something for yourself. When your baby is old enough, you should enrol on a childcare institution. Even part-time childcare will bring you and your child plenty of benefits. You would be much happier to have some free time on your hands, which means that your family would be too.
Go on a holiday/trip when possible
One-day, weekend and week-long trips have their benefits for our psyche. Going on a trip every once in a while would do wonders for your mental state. Family trips are a great way to broaden horizons and bring a twist to everyday life, which can easily become tedious and mundane. You can start travelling when your baby is old enough – it is a plausible way to get your baby used to trips and travelling in general. It is easier when you start doing it when your child is young.
Enjoy some romantic moments
When you get a new member of a family, you need some time to get used to it. This means adjusting in many aspects. One such aspect is the romance between two people. With a baby, it becomes a tad more difficult to organize such moments. However, it is not impossible. You just need to be aware that you need to make a conscious effort now. Designate one night a week to be your date night and do something together as a couple to restore the potentially decreased romance in your relationship.
Get as much sleep as possible
Sleep is key for the regeneration of damaged cells. However, when it comes to moms, they usually experience a lack of sleep. According to some general practice, moms will get much sleep if they sleep when their baby sleeps. And it makes sense. So, whenever your baby is sleeping, you sleep too. Resist the urge to do some household chores. Rather, get your Zzzs, it will mean more to you. When you are well-rested, you’ll find time to complete those chores eventually.
Be active
What helps in raising our happiness levels is being physically active. This can mean even simple things such as taking a walk, using stairs instead of an elevator or cycling. You can do these together with your child. In that way, you also teach your kid the importance of being physically active. Of course, you can also engage in some sports activities that you enjoy, such as going to the gym or a yoga class. That will help you both mentally and physically.
Hang out with friends
Hanging out with dear friends can significantly impact our satisfaction and happiness. Find some time to hang out with your friends. Have a quick coffee together, go shopping, jogging or take a walk in the park. You can also organize a playdate to involve your kids: it’s a win-win for you and your kids. You can organize a dinner once a month when you’ll all gather and have a good laugh together. Socialization is also an important aspect of our mental health.
Work on your mindset
Having a positive mindset is what helps us keep going. Developing such a mindset is not easy, but once you develop it, it’s there to stay. It can help you go through all the difficult moments. You can read some books on how to have a positive mindset. Also, you can watch some podcasts that deal with the same topic. This is something you need to work out on your own, for yourself.
Every mom can be a happy mom, if she is willing to make a conscious effort and if she has help and support from her partner.
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