When Should You Opt For An Online Sexologist Consultation? Life is complex, and sometimes working through difficult stuff requires you to take assistance from a professional. If you are dealing with issues related to coitus; a sex therapist is a great option to consider. Below we have highlighted eight signs that tell you that it is time to get a sexologist online consultation.
If you are going through a sexual trauma
People have this misconception that after a trauma, people become incapable of having sexual relationships. It is possible to enjoy sex after an assault, and a sex therapist can help you in this process. They create a safe space for you to talk about the trauma and the problems that you are having while being intimate presently. These professionals understand your trauma and help you have a healthy sexual relationship with your partner.
You Are Questioning Your Gender Identity
Today we are amidst this massive gender revolution. The New York mayor recently signed a law that creates a space for new gender X on birth certificates. But the Department of Health and Human Services debate the gender of the person is determined by the genitals at birth. In light of the ongoing fight, you could have your own fight to find your gender identity. And this process can be daunting, to say the least. Getting a sexologist online consultation can help you figure out your gender identity.
You are experiencing physical difficulty while having sex.
If this is the case, you should first visit a medical doctor to rule any health condition. When the physical issues are ruled out, you should consider sexologist online consultation to analyze the psychological factors. For example, vaginismus, which results in vaginal muscle spasms during intercourse, can be due to anxiety. It can also be a part of post-traumatic stress disorder from a past sexual assault. Moreover, stress is one of the main psychological reasons that cause erectile dysfunction. Consulting a sex therapist will help you address these mental issues that are hindering your sex life.
You and your partners have different desires
The mismatch could be in terms of their libido or their interest in exploring sex. You might want to explore a kink but feeling shy about doing so. This is more common than you think. Another case is that your partner may want to try something that you are not comfortable with. In such cases, a sex therapist can help you understand that maybe your partnership is not working because of incompatible desires.
You wish to overcome the sexual embarrassment
Sex therapists help you deal with things that you are embarrassed about even if the emotions are unwarranted. Shame has a way of making you feel like you are not normal, and this restricts you from maintaining a healthy sex life. Getting a sexologist online consultation will help you address these emotions and deal with them in the right way.
Whether your sexual problems are physical or psychological, a sexologist online consultation can be greatly helpful. People still feel shy about seeking professional help when it comes to their bedroom issues. But it is better to get assistance then to suffer alone.