All the Health Benefits of Opal, October’s Birthstone : Opal is a stone that denotes fire which is known to bring happiness, a sense of calmness, and affection into your life. October’s birthstone, Opal, often symbolizes wealth and prosperity, beauty, and love. It provides you with all the aspects you might need for a comfortable life.
This Venus stone should be worn by those who operate in industries like tourism, travel, exports, and imports. Additionally, Opal is the birthstone for those who were born in October. Opal’s governing planet is Venus.
Mostly, the Opal hue is white, followed by gray and green Opals by body shade. The optical quality in Opals signals how the color moves over the stone. No Opal stone exhibits a single color.
Benefits of Wearing an Opal Stone
The Opal stone provides you with a great sense of harmony, magnification, and dynamically varying energy. In addition to igniting your creative spirit, it can inspire newfound optimism, good fortune, emotional balance, and order. Anyone who wears an Opal can also use it as a lucky charm to draw beautiful feelings and things into their energy.
Some of the benefits of wearing an Opal stone are listed below.
Physical Alleviation
The Opal stone is believed to improve liver functions and release any pressure that has built up in your chest or respiratory system. It can be a blessing in disguise for women, as it lessens discomfort during menstruation and pregnancy.
Opal can also help to take care of many things that are otherwise looked at in your beauty routines. This stone can be responsible for enhancing eye brightness, regenerating skin cells for freshness and supple glow, and preserving the health of your nails and hair.
Additionally, it controls insulin production, lowers fever, improves memory, and raises immunity to colds and flu. This stone can also help you deal with common water retention problems.
Emotional Healing
Opals are tranquil gemstones that can help you heal emotionally and overcome all the wrong thoughts wandering inside you. Some people might have had incidents in the past that might have scarred them and hold on to them even today. Through emotional healing, Opal jewelry can help you overcome your past fears and step into new beginnings.
Opal can also help your mind be at peace and tackle anxiety from everyday happenings. The stone helps you to calm your nerves and think with a sober mind. It allows you to achieve clarity in your thoughts and actions.
Loving people and getting loved by them the same way is what can heal our minds and souls. It is often suggested to wear Opal if you want a passionate love life with your partner. Smooth sailing of relationships can lessen the already existing burdens on our shoulders.
Psychological Awakening
Opal has specific abilities that can help us awaken the aura that we hold and make us more aware of the forces that we are surrounded by. This stone may not be a cure, but it sure can act as a calming agent for people who are going through difficult stages of fighting depression.
Dreams are one of those non-existent ideas in our brains that we connect to the most because they almost seem real. Unfortunately, these ideas can also be disturbing at times, and Opal helps to clear your mind and protects you from having less severe visions and dreams.
Opal can also help you to connect with your inner self and help you to allow yourself to get into the process of introspection and finding your true self.
October’s birthstone, Opal, may not be the cure for all your problems, and it might not work for everyone, but why not give it a shot? It has healing powers and might help you move forward in life. Since Opal is the birthstone for people born in the month of October, it usually resonates well with people belonging to the Libra zodiac sign.
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All the Health Benefits of Opal, October’s Birthstone
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