As a theist, I believe that God is there. He is within us and around us. We need to feel His presence. What is the proof of my statement? Quite simply God is the entire Universe and everything contained within the Universe, existing in the form of pure Energy; consciously, we live and move and have our Being; thus we live in the presence of God.
I believe that this Divine Energy is “God”. If we say that God is just an imagination, it shall be wrong. We can not reply why we exist, how we came about and where we go. Something is there who gives us the life, who operates the system of life and who destroys it ultimately to give space to the fresh ones. Who had started all such activities before we were born?
God created the Universe by literally “thinking” it into existence, and we therefore live in the presence of God as “thought-forms”, individuated Energy fields in the great energy field. Quanta only become observable under the influence of the Mind. In the physical world scientists have already observed this when they noticed that the only time Quanta ever manifest as particles is when they are being observed.
God created the Universe, the Macrocosm in the same way that we all create our own realities, the Microcosm, by the power of thought. When we focus on the object of a desire, we create a vibration of the Energy that corresponds to our desire in the form of an image that represents our desire, until, vibrates in harmony with our desire thereby enabling our desire to manifest into our experiential existence. Until we vibrate in harmony with our desire, we cannot experience it. This where most people struggle to attract their desires; they are simply not vibrating the Energy of the Universe in harmony with the desire they have in Mind. With the power of the Mind and its correct focus, there is truly nothing that you cannot be, do or have.
So we live in the eternal presence of God, but Who exactly is God and what is our relationship with God? It is true that we are made in the Image of God, but not the personified image, the deity in human form of the dogmatic religions, but rather we are “made”, or thought into existence in the Spiritual image of God. God is pure Energy and so too are we as human beings pure Energy made in the “imagination” or image of God, and we are always in the eternal presence of God, Who is in us, through us and Is us.
We all exist as “images” or “ideas” in the Mind and presence of God. However, we are very complex images comprising countless Quanta of Energy, each with our own unique characteristics while at the same time sharing a particular Energy “configuration” that makes us uniquely “human”. Our Energy configuration includes a part of the individuated “consciousness” or “Spirit” of God, and that is which animates us and makes us who we are.
So having discussed “who is God” and the fact we are God, how do we actually differ from God? The first thing we must always keep in mind is that as well as being “made” as individuated images of God, we still all share, as does everything in the Universe, the same ultimate Energy. There is no separation in the Universe. All apparent separation is nothing but an illusion brought about by the tricks of the five physical senses which perceives and “decodes” the Energy in such a way as to cause the illusion of separation. It is this widely perpetuated illusion that contributes to so much misery in the world today with the individual egos of people always working only for what they perceive as “themselves”. In fact we are all one, and as such whatever we do, think or imagine immediately affects the entire Universe and everyone and everything within the entire Universe. What we do, think and imagine is therefore a huge responsibility, and a lesson that needs to be learned by all of humanity. “God” is perfect in His/Her thinking, and as a result the Universe is perfect.
So we all exist as unique “individuations” of God made in the Spiritual image of God, always living in the presence of God but how do we differ from God? The answer is “Perfection”. God, the Universe is Perfection in every way. Nothing can be added to, subtracted from our modified from God to make God more perfect. God is total perfection and manages the Universe with immutable Perfection with one major force in particular, the most powerful force in the Universe, Unconditional Love.
We only differ from God therefore in terms of our own individual state of perfection. It is therefore at the core of our very Soul and Spirit and who we “are” to be as “God” by evolving to the same state of perfection as God, until finally, if we choose to do so, we can achieve Unity with God at which point our consciousness is Unified with “The All” and All becomes known. This is the true meaning of Life: to evolve back to The First Cause, The Source, God. So again, when asking the question “who is God”, it should be readily apparent by now that we are God.
As we achieve higher states of perfection through experience, the vibration of our individual Spiritual body increases, and as this happens we “migrate” inwards in the direction of The Source, and as we do so we become aware of ever more glorious realms of life that are far beyond the remotest comprehension of Earthly humans. This is one motivation we have to pursue perfection and evolution, the prospect and certainty that as we progress, the more “heavenly”, magnificent and glorious will be our life and reality.
We evolve back to God in the process of perfection. Humans of the planet Earth are just starting out on the sacred path back to God. Earth is the “kindergarten” of the Universe, and it is here that everyone begins the journey on the great and sacred path by learning fundamental lessons that can only be learned in a physical environment, mixing with a wide range of people and circumstances that do not exist in the Astral worlds and beyond. This is why people choose to incarnate time and again in order to learn the necessary lessons of progression on the path to perfection and therefore God.
Finally we must all keep in mind the ultimate and sacred truth that we are all one and whatever we do affects everything in creation. Whatever we do will always return to us by the immutable Law of Cause and Effect. It is in understanding these Universal Laws that we progress, and become less and less “separate”, the “inner” Beings always assisting the “outer” beings less progressed along the path in their own evolution, ever driven by Unconditional Love.
Who is God? Where is God?
The true God is not tyrannical, benevolent or vengeful, and does not exhibit petty human characteristics such as jealousy, caprice or anger. The true God does not need or desire to be worshipped or to receive offerings, and is most certainly not influenced by flattery or praise. He is neither demanding, vengeful or vindictive, and does not rule the Universe from high places as if He/She were a monarchy with the human race as subjects, casting down judgments and punishments at will for perceived transgressions.
We are all “God”, perpetually living in the presence of God. God never punishes Him/Herself because it is through us, as expressions of God that God continues to evolve through our individuated experiences however “good”, “evil” or indifferent they might be. The true God does not punish people for failing to believe in Him/Her, for failing to attend a church, temple or mosque, or failing to accept “Him/Her” as their “saviour”.
This same true God does not in any way require intermediaries or “go betweens” to be positioned in the physical world between Him/Herself and “common man” in order to interpret, represent and convey the “will” of God. No such intermediary has, has ever had or ever can or will have the ear of God, or indeed possess any other sort of special connections or relationship with God.
No such self-appointed representative of God can possibly know “God’s will” or accordingly convey such “will” to the people, and neither can such intermediaries convey the wishes of the people back to God. As aspects of God, in the Mind of God, God already knows our every wish, need and desire the very moment we think it.
Above all God is neither separate from the Universe or from anyone or anything within the Universe. God is at once Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent; every human being, all life and everything within the entire Universe has its being within the infinite Mind of God, and God is within every human being, all life and everything in the entire Universe.
Everyone is a totally equal and integral aspect of God, living in the presence of God, the Supreme Universal Consciousness, The Source, The Prime Creator, The First Cause, Who in turn is the same absolute, total and complete perfection every single human being is striving to achieve during the course of the journey of evolution along the Divine path back to God from whence we all originated, of Whom we are all an integral and equal aspect and to Whom we are all destined to return.
Everyone without exception is the master of their own destiny. We all create our own realities and we are all always governed by the very same immutable Universal laws existing to maintain the perfect order of the glories, splendors and magnificence of the multi-dimensional Universe of Consciousness in which we have our being. The true God ultimately sustains everything in creation with the most powerful force, vibration, Energy of all within the Universe, in all spheres of life and reality; Pure Unconditional Love.
Finally, when considering the question “Who is God, even religions symbolically recognize the great truth that we are all as one and are all inseparable aspects of God:
Christianity: “The kingdom of heaven is within you”
Islam: “Those who know themselves know their God”
Buddhism: “Look within, thou art Buddha”
Vedanta, part of Hinduism: “Atman and Brahman are one”
(Note: Atman is individual consciousness, the Microcosm and Brahman is Universal consciousness, the Macrocosm)
Upanishads, part of Hinduism: “By understanding the self, all this Universe is known”
Yoga, part of Hinduism: “God dwells within you as you”.
And finally a quote from the Christian bible which highlights this truth very well: “On that day, you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you” – John 14:20″
God is within us and around us. Just we need to witness it and that can be done through our own acts only. If we are pure at our heart, we can do it easily.
Now, with the above lines in mind, we may assure ourselves that God, whatsoever the name we may assign to Him/Her is within us and around us. That is the Energy responsible for our survival. Thus, an important duty cast upon us is that we must think that we live in the presence of God and should do our best to keep every other one happy with all the sincerity, equinity and genuineness. God will be happy with us! Otherwise, we may face the curse in form of tsunami, earth quakes, storms, floods etc. if we continue to play with the nature for our own selfishness, without caring for the balancing actions required.
Be Happy – Be Sure God Is Within And Around You.