Building Physical Vitality Despite Mobility Challenges Is All About Routine

Building Physical Vitality Despite Mobility Challenges Is All About Routine : Disability affects all Americans but women are disproportionately more likely to feel the impact. CDC figures show that 25% of all American women are living with some form of disability; among them, 13.7% have a mobility issue that impacts their capacity to move around independently. Mobility issues can have a serious impact on your ability to work out and stay fit yet, many conditions actively benefit from regular exercise, whether that be to improve cardio health or to enhance flexibility. Learning how to tread the tightrope between exertion and danger is key, and can help as a form of therapy for many conditions.

Learning from medicine

The first step is, of course, to speak to your physician. Many will be able to provide guidance on just what the body of someone living with a mobility-related disability will be able to handle. A good example of this concerns cerebral palsy. Effective cerebral palsy therapies encompass a range of cognitive and physical actions, yet, the latter can be especially effective. Indeed, one journal published on the Hindawi network found that physical activity in children diagnosed with cerebral palsy often improved their condition and led to greater levels of fitness in adult life. Understand your condition and what your limitations are, and work from there.

Finding support

It’s also a good idea to work out at a gym, or other supported environment. It’s important when working out at home to consider common injuries, as USA Today highlights, but your knowledge might not always be fully formed. Conversely, heading to the gym with a friend or trainer will equip you with the full range of knowledge you need to counter any potential risks and give yourself the backing you need to work out with confidence. It can also help you in developing your physical activity plan. There are two risks with doing it on your own – you’ll either not push yourself enough through fear of injury, or you’ll push too hard and set yourself back.

Making it lifelong

The most important part of exercise is routine. Even simple stretching, once per day, can have a huge range of benefits; the Mayo Clinic highlights improved range of motion and decreased injury risk in particular. Stretching just once a week, however, will not go far long-term. Making exercise core to your daily routine, and ensuring you do something, will help you immeasurably down the road. If you aren’t able to get out and run due to your condition, you may still be able to stretch. If that’s too much, a little bit of movement can do a world of good instead of nothing.
Getting something done is better than nothing, and it can often have small but powerful gains over time. That’s the benefit of exercise as a lifestyle choice, and it will keep you healthy and happy for longer. Incremental changes can have a big impact on your life.







Building Physical Vitality Despite Mobility Challenges Is All About Routine



Building Physical Vitality Despite Mobility Challenges Is All About Routine

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