We know that the thyroid gland secrets a hormone called thyroxin which enters the blood stream and reaches different parts of the body. Deficiency of this hormone reduces the absorption rate of oxygen which often results in disruption of metabolic functions, excessive fatigue with loss of memory and bluntness of mind. Sometime, with its deficiency, you may feel your skin and hair becoming dry, lips and eyelids lose and appearing as pulled downwards. The body fattens and its plumpness is such that pressing a finger makes a groove (depression) in the swollen part. One is unable to bear chill and feels tired because of reduced level of this hormone.
Excessive secretion of this hormone causes a variety of problems, the engine – source of energy of the body gets overcharged and as a result, different metabolic and bio-chemical reactions and physiological functions are accelerated. This often gives rise to increase in pulse rate, produce perspiration, high blood pressure, excitation and hyper-sensitivity, mental restlessness, irritation etc. In addition, growth of the thyroid gland results in a swollen, protuberant throat and gives rise to disease like goiter.
The reasons for abnormal shrinkage or growth of this gland have not yet been fully understood. It may malfunction even if one’s diet is balanced and the daily routine is also maintained at a level which is normally prescribed for a healthy person. We are given to understand that the deficiency of iodine in food can cause disturbance in the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Doctors recommend that our daily meals must have at least 20 micrograms of iodine. Seawater, natural salt, sea grass and fish are rich in iodine contents. However, use of the iodine in salt is still considered to be a preventive measure but it does not cure the ailment permanently as in many cases even the desired intake of iodine and iodine based medicines do not help control the abnormal functioning of this red colored butterfly shaped tiny gland whose two wings in leaf shaped structures cover the upper end of the respiratory canal.
The discovery of a yellow protein colloid in the deep core of this gland had raised hopes that it might be the source of thyroxin secretion. But further researches annulled this possibility. Unfortunately, the experiments on controlling the deficiencies of thyroxin by injecting the extract of thyroid of other animals have not been successful because of lack of bio-compatibility.
We know that the chemical processing of extraction of energy from the foods constituents begins as soon as they reach the stomach. Starch and sugar are converted into glucose. Part of this glucose goes in the blood stream and helps energize the body and maintain temperature… the remaining quantity of glucose is stored in the liver in the form of glycogen, making a stock for future energy requirements. In diabetic patients, the sugar level in the blood increases and the corresponding shortage of energy supplied by glucose gradually weakens the body. This disorder in blood sugar arises due to the deficiency of insulin – a hormone secreted by the pancreas. In healthy blood, the normal level of sugar is about one sixtieth ounce per liter. This small amount is the fuel (source of energy) that keeps the cellular and muscular machinery warm and active. Insulin along with another hormone adrenaline helps regulate this function.
Growth of the body is maintained by the pineal gland in the brain. Drastic changes in one’s growth-especially height are caused by the disorderly functioning of this small dot-sized endocrine gland. Once it is disturbed, it can not be replaced by any substitute, or cured by ideal nutritious diets afterwards. Once, pineal glands of one rat fixed in another rat created exceptional growth in the later. The beneficiary rat got growth three times of the normal pace ever seen in the rat family.
It is true that many physically weak persons have gained repute in diverse fields of sports, arts, literature, sciences, etc. Dwarf men and women have become popular actors. The jugglery of hormones can also be seen making some poor ones who might have never eaten a full meal as hefty and stout. On the contrary, in some other cases, in spite of having lavish and nutritionally rich and health diet and best efforts in terms of physical exercises, the weak and bony bodies of many people show no signs of improvement due to persistent deficiencies.
We know the importance of hormones in regulating the defense mechanism in the immune system of human body. Whenever some foreign or toxic germs and viruses attack our body, some hormones secreted by our endocrine glands react instantaneously. These stimulate the B-cells in the blood to recognize the antigens and harmful microphages and produce specific antibodies to eliminate the invaders. The hormones also participate in the struggle of the body to fight the infections/diseases during this defensive activity. This struggle of hormones induces psychological effects that are manifested as restlessness, irritation, anger and anguish in the diseased persons.
The treatment of the disorder or abnormalities in hormonal secretions would be most effective if it is focused at refining and awakening the subtle body. One can regulate the hormonal levels in a desired manner by purifying the intrinsic characteristics and hidden impressions of the inner self and controlling the emotions, beliefs and aspirations assimilated in its subtler core – the body. This cannot be achieved by gross level treatments based on nutritious diets, physical exercises and medicines etc. Intellectual activities and creative methods of mental elevation are also ineffective in reaching the causal body. The endeavors of spiritual refinement appear to be the only solutions. Ascetic practices offer multiple benefits of regulating endocrine system and thus helping in harmonious functioning of the physical body avoiding fluctuations and creating wholesome effects on the subtle and causal bodies. These practices have the potential to elevate the individual self to divine heights. Do them as you think appropriate.
Be Happy – Control Your Hormonal Levels.