Cool Beans! The 3 Best Coffee Bean Drinks to Try Today

One of the best things about coffee is that it’s so diverse. Click here to learn about the best coffee bean drinks that you absolutely need to try.

In the United States, about 150 million adults enjoy a cup of Joe, which is over half of the population.

If you’re an avid coffee drinker looking to expand its horizons, you need to start by learning more about the best coffee beans out there. With coffee growers all over the world, it’s hard to know who has the best.

Read on to learn about these best coffee bean drinks.

Types of Coffee Beans

Before you learn which are the best coffee beans you can brew at home, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the types of coffee beans. Coffee is quite complex, but the beans narrow down to three varieties.

You can find most of these different beans at bulk beans.


Their high-quality standards and rich flavor characterize arabica beans. To produce arabica beans, growers have to ensure they have specific conditions for the beans to grow.

Arabica beans need to grow in places that average a temperature of 15 to 24°C, and they require a 1500 to 3000 mm annual rainfall.


If you’re looking for more caffeine content, then robusta beans are the right kind for you. Although they’re second in quality to arabica beans, Robusta beans contain higher quantities of caffeine.

Robusta beans are also more affordable because they don’t require strict growing conditions.


For those who don’t want to sacrifice caffeine content and quality, a blend of arabica and robusta beans is usually the way to go.

These blends combine the best of both worlds since they blend arabica and robusta beans to create a unique blend.

3 Best Coffee Bean Drinks

If you want a superior coffee bean drinking experience, these blends will take you to the next level. They combine some of the best coffee beans for the ultimate caffeine fix.

  1. LifeBoost Coffee

    LifeBoost is a medium coffee of Nicaraguan origin that is also ethically sourced coffee. Because this coffee is low acidity, it’s perfect for those who have sensitive stomachs or want to take care of their teeth.

    This medium blend combines fruity aromas, dark caramel, and chocolate richness. LeifeBoost is also an organic coffee since they stay away from sprayed pesticides.

  2. Atlas Coffee Beans

    Atlas coffee beans offer light, medium, and dark blends to cater to your preferences. This coffee bean brand is perfect for adventurous coffee drinkers who can discover exciting new blends.

    Atlas coffee beans deliver coffees worldwide, such as Papua New Guinea, Peru, Burundi, and Brazil.

  3. Kona Coffee Beans (Koa Coffee)

    Kona coffee beans are a high-quality coffee brand native to Hawaii, and they offer medium to dark blends.

    Because of the climate and rich soil in Hawaii, these beans deliver one of the richest coffee beans flavors. The dark blend is one of their most popular blends.

Are You Ready to Start Brewing?

Now that you know about these best coffee bean drinks, you’re ready to start brewing.

Remember, there are three types of coffee beans that deliver the best quality and caffeine content. Some of the best coffee bean producers include Kona Coffe, Atlas Coffee, and LifeBoost.

If you enjoyed this article, check out the rest of our blog for more fun facts.



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Cool Beans! The 3 Best Coffee Bean Drinks to Try Today

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