Coping with Morning Sickness

Many pregnant women experience morning sickness, especially in their first trimester. The good news is that morning sickness is actually a good sign of a healthy pregnancy. If you’re going through morning sickness, here are some of the best ways to cope with morning sickness.
Tips for Coping with Morning Sickness

1. Get enough sleep

One of the things that most pregnant women ignore is the value of getting enough sleep. If you’re tired, you’re more likely to experience nausea. Sleep earlier and don’t exert your body. Stay in the bed for 20 minutes and get up slowly if you feel sick when you wake up. Give yourself some time. This can help keep morning sickness at bay.

2. Drink water

When you vomit you’ll be losing some amount of water. So it’s extremely important to drink plenty of water when you’re going through morning sickness. If you don’t want to drink water, you can opt for chamomile or peppermint teas. The tea won’t only give you some energy, but also can help relieve nausea.

3. Sip ginger ale

When it comes to soothing nausea ginger has shown to be very effective. It can help relieve an upset stomach. While you’re going through morning sickness, try sipping ginger ale.

4. Apply a few drops of essential oils

Aromatherapy has proved to be effective in coping with morning sickness. Try applying some drops of grapefruit, peppermint, bergamot, or lemon oil on your pulse points during the day. You’ll feel less depressed and revitalized.

5. Keep yourself distracted

When you’re feeling nauseated, it’s not easy to think of something else, but if you focus on it, it will make things worse. Try to distract yourself. For instance, read a good book, talk to your friend, solve a puzzle or go for a walk. But don’t exert yourself if you’re feeling tired.

6. Practice good food habits

Sure, when you’re going through morning sickness, you won’t even want to look at food, but don’t keep your stomach empty since it can only make the nausea worse. Go for a biscuit or some dry toast before you get up from your bed. Keep healthy snacks with you all the time. Opt for grapes, crackers, nuts, or peppermint candies.

Do you have any other tips for coping with morning sickness? Share them, please!


Coping with Morning Sickness