Does Exercise Lower Cholesterol? : Biologically speaking, cholesterol is made by the liver and is a part of every cell in the body. The substance exists in two forms, namely HDL (high-density lipoprotein) and LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol. HDL is safer as compared to LDL, constituting fats quite dangerous for your heart and increasing chances of artery plaque.
On the other hand, HDL helps in lowering excessive cholesterol from your body. Heart patients are often prescribed heart medicines with one precaution of doing regular exercise to lower their cholesterol level.
The question arises, how exercise can control your cholesterol level. After a deep research, I came up with a conclusion that exercise is not a unanimous recommendation by a large lot. However, some experts consider that it definitely has phenomenal effects in lowering cholesterol level. Exercise is beneficial in lowering cholesterol levels because it:
- helps blood to get enriched with good cholesterol (HDL) level
- assists in reducing body weight
- regulates heart functioning and strengthens heart muscles
Cholesterol Lowering Exercises
If you are really interested in improving your cholesterol level, there exists a number of easy ways to perform your daily physical activity. Before starting your daily exercise, you should be familiar with HDL and LDL levels of your body, in case crossing limit can be regularized to avoid any kind of heart impairments.
Normally, exercise may involve general daily activities such as cleaning house, gardening, etc. Similarly, if you require energetic exercises, you can simply choose aerobic activities like jogging, walking or if you are a water lover, you can go swimming. Yoga is another good option if you like a peaceful exercise. However, analytical theories show that aerobic exercises are highly effective in controlling your cholesterol level. As an estimate, LDL goes down by 5% to 10% and HDL cholesterol raises up to 3% to 6%, if you prefer aerobic activities. If you take a healthy diet and combine it with regular exercises, you can keep your cholesterol level normal. Talking about the exact exercises, I advise you to go for a nice job every day. If you are a little older for jogging, a brisk walk would do. In 2013 journal of Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, they presented a study, which revealed, “the amount of exercise is what matters, not the type”. For the elderly, it would be wise to go for cycling because it is easy on joints. If you have good energy, resistance training would also be beneficial. However, people with back issues must consult with a back pain Dallas physician (if you are in Dallas obviously) before starting any resistance training.
Do you want to know, how much physical activity is exactly required for lowering your cholesterol?
Latest studies by health organizations reveal that you need exercise for more or less 30 minutes every day. The most important thing is your planning. To remain regular, I always prepare a weekly chart that displays my routine activities including exercise timings.
If you want to spend a healthy life, be acquainted with what health maladies afflict you more. It is your extreme requirement to sacrifice a few minutes daily for exercise, which is the simplest thing ever and can make a huge difference in your life.
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