Early Symptoms Of Menopause And How To Deal With It Naturally : Menopause is considered to start from one year following women’s last period. It involves many natural changes to women’s entire reproductive system and various reproductive and non reproductive hormones.
Women can experience a variety of symptoms and conditions related to change in hormone level and aging.
Some of the symptoms of menopause that are most common include:
- Irregular periods: as pre menopause begins, i.e. period before menopause technically states the periods can come or go, as it might get heavier or lighter with times. This condition can continue for several years before menopause.
- Hot flashes and night sweats:
- Mood swings:
- Irritability:
- Anxiety or depressiveness
- Increased abdominal fat and weigh gain.
- Insomnia and changed in sleep quality.
- Thinning of Hair and drying of Skin
- Frequent urination and Urinary tract infections
For some many other age-related diseases include cardiovascular diseases, dementia and osteoporosis.
Here are four natural ways to reduce menopausal symptoms.
These are some recommended ways by menopause doctor in which you can reduce menopausal symptoms naturally.
Decrease Stress
Many women have a deep sense and feeling of being stressed, anxious, over whelmed and depressed over the transition. In most cases anti depressant are not the best choice. Stress can be the culprit behind the additional imbalances in hormones and neuro-transmitters that effect mood and as well as mental functions, digestive functions and especially blood sugar imbalances. Stress has also been linked with symptoms like hot flashes and low libido.
The best way to relive stress is deep breathing. Take a deep breath several times a day and practice this so that it will reduce your stress and return it will help you in decreasing menopausal symptoms.
Herbal treatment
Use herbs that will mimic hormone. Many herbs and foods contain natural hormones and hormone balancing properties that can help you in this transition period. Many plants and herbs can adapt to the needs of your body. It is possible for them because they have the same molecular feature with our own hormones allowing them to support our hormone production, make it slower or even mimic what our own hormones do, depending upon the body’s unique needs.
Some of the herbs that can help decrease menopausal symptoms are:
- Passion flower
- Wild yam
- Ginseng
- Black cohosh
- Ashvaghandha
Most women gain weight steadily during pre-menopause and menopause, especially on their belly and abdomen. This is common because fluctuating estrogen level stands to cause your body to hold on the fat, and fat actually produces estrogen which can even create and support to store more fat, therefore this cycle continues.
Exercise works wonders for menopausal women. Exercising not only boosts your serotonin levels that improves your mood but your appetite and helping you sleep better and helps you to balance hormone naturally and this also helps in maintain muscle mass, which is important for preventing weigh gain. It also strengthens your bones to combat osteoporosis. This is the common condition that comes along with the menopause. You can do walking, swimming, biking, whatever form of exercise that you enjoy. Moving your body has major impact on your weight and other menopausal symptoms and your overall womens health. Gentle exercise can be helpful, especially for adrenal glands, if they are over rug, then you can constantly feel fatigue.
The most effective medicine is the food that you eat. You should try to a balance of good fats, complex carbs and protein. Also make sure to have plenty of fruits and vegetables at every meal including breakfast. It is best to eat three meals a day or two or more snacks in order to keep your blood sugar stable. The most important thing is to remember is to reduce carbohydrates, especially refined herbs and sugar. You can take womens vitamins along with healthy diet to keep yourself full. Consume less calories then you burn in order to maintain healthy weight. Limit the empty calorie by reducing your intake of packaged or processed food, added sugar, refined carbs, sugary drinks, alcohol and refined oil. Fill upon with high fiber food to control your appetite. Boost digestive health and benefit your heart. Drink plenty of pure fresh water.
Following these steps will definitely help you in reducing menopausal symptoms naturally and will help you maintain your health and Wellbeing during transition.
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