Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About STD Testing

Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About STD Testing : Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are common diseases, and they can affect any person regardless of sex or age. The fortunate part is that STDs are curable and early treatment is always good for the affected person. To be on the safe side, you need to be tested on a regular basis so that you know your status.

Knowing your status about STD infection can be your gateway to a healthy lifestyle. If you are fully aware that you are free from any sexually transmitted disease, then you are in a better position to control your sexual life. You can achieve this by avoiding risk activities like engaging in unprotected sex with multiple partners. People who do not know their status are prone to risky behavior that can lead them to contract STDs.

It is a fallacy that many people believe that they know it when they have an STI even without going for tests. Not all symptoms are easily recognizable without going for tests. It is good to go for actual testing than rely on guesses to be safe.

However, some people are scared of the idea of going for STD testing for fear of the unknown. Other individuals are always in denial such that they do not believe that they too can also be infected with an STI. Lack of knowledge about the things you should know about STI testing seems to be a stumbling block among other individuals. The following information can help you to understand important things about the vital components of the test.

Are STD Tests Similar?

The primary thing that you should understand before going for an STD test is that the tests vary and they are specific to each particular infection. In some cases, more than one type of analysis can be used to diagnose an STI.

The health representative attending you know the best test to perform on you depending on your background history you provide as part of the testing procedure. You should expect questions relating to your sexual activities since this information is vital in determining the kind of STD test appropriate for you.

What are the Components of STI Testing?

The other thing you may want to know about STI testing pertains to the components comprising the testing process. STI tests vary, and some of them are very quick, and some are self-administered. The good thing about different STI tests is that you do not feel any pain and in some cases, you do not even need to take off your clothes during the test.

Women can use a vaginal swab that is self-administered. You get this swab from your health care provider, and you use it to collect vaginal fluid that is then sent to the lab for tests. You can do this in private so that you do not feel ashamed especially when the test is performed by another person.

The other simple test involves a collection of a urine sample. You get a special cup from the health care provider, and you collect your urine in private. This urine sample is then sent to the lab for tests, and you can get the results within the same day, or you can wait for a short time.

A blood sample is another form of test that is a bit different from other STI tests. A syringe is usually used to draw a few drops of blood from your arm, and this is sent for tests. However, this depends on what you are being tested for. The test is not painful though, and it is quick.

The other form of STI testing involves physical testing where the healthcare provider physically checks different parts of your body for any symptoms. He inspects your mouth as well as genitals for features like warts, rash or discharge. A swab can also be used for collecting samples. This test can be intrusive, but it is conducted in a private room between you and your health care provider.

What should I do to Ask Someone to go for an STI test?

When going for STD testing, you should always focus on the benefits of doing this instead of the stigma often associated with sexually transmitted diseases. It is therefore imperative to convince your partner or any other person about the advantages of STD testing.

When you are sexually active, it is good to know your status so that you do not infect other people or get infected with an STI. It is likely that your partner will share the same view since no one would want to risk his or her health for that matter.

The other thing that you should tell someone to accept the idea of getting tested for STD is that the test is quick and not painful at all visit our website for test. Different types of tests can be performed, and these are confidential. It is also important to tell other people that they should treat STI testing as a routine that is meant to promote excellent health among them.

Breaking News About STD Infection to Your Partner

Many people find this to be a daunting task to break the news to their partners that they have been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection. Some individuals fee that they may be ridiculed if they test positive for STI.

It is always good to have open communication with your partner, it is perfectly reasonable to feel uncomfortable telling your partner about the STI, but at this stage, there is no going back. Be open and tell them about the issue so that they can also go for testing. Open communication will help you and your partner to get proper treatment and stop spreading the infection.

This also helps in contributing towards positive behavior change.  When you and your partner have been diagnosed and treated for STD, there is no way each of you can engage in reckless behavior.

What Action to Take After Testing?

Whether you test positive or negative, the good news is that STDs are manageable and they are also treatable, so there is no reason to panic. If the results show that you have an STI, the healthcare provider prescribes the medication you can take to treat the disease.

The health care providers also have to offer counseling services to all people who get tested for STD. It is essential for people who test negative to avoid risky behavior such as engaging in unprotected sex with multiple partners. This helps to prevent accidental infection of STI that can also spread to other innocent people.

It is also essential for the individuals who test positive to understand that life goes on. The infection can be treated, and they can enjoy a healthy sexual life. However, these individuals should learn from their experience to avoid contracting an STI since it is not suitable for their health.

The other issue is that it is essential for everyone to go for routine STI test to maintain quality reproductive health. While an STD is curable; it can pose a danger to pregnant women in particular if it is not treated. The baby can be affected during birth, and this is bad for the child that may be born with complications.



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Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About STD Testing

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