5 Reasons You Could Be Having Trouble Getting Pregnant : Statistics show that approximately 6.7 million women in the United States are having trouble getting pregnant. Raising children is one of life’s most blissful experiences for every couple or every family, but some hopeful moms are having a hard time dealing with pregnancy. We know that this is so frustrating and stressful. Nowadays, there are so many identified factors which affect women’s fertility.
The whole process of knowing why and learning how is critical to improving your chances, and we’re here to help you get the plus sign you want. Let’s identify and discuss 5 reasons you could be having trouble getting pregnant.
Unhealthy Eggs
Having an unhealthy egg stands as one of the most common reasons for infertility. There are certain factors that we do which affect the health of our egg cells. Things like smoking, drinking alcohol, fatigue, and stress take play a huge role. Developing a healthier lifestyle can potentially help immensely. Ditch the cigarettes, and start going to bed earlier.
Lack of Intimacy
One of the most exciting parts of having a partner is the intimacy. We all know that as a couple goes through many years of spending time together, being intimate gets a little harder. This lack of connection is also a factor that gives you some trouble getting pregnant. This could be solved by getting yourself ready for a more exciting sexual relationship with your partner. As a woman, there are several different exercises to increase sexual drive.
Aging is an irreversible process of living, and it has severe medicals effects on men and women alike. At the age of 32, women’s chances of fertility decrease significantly, and by the age of 40, women’s fertility declines in half. As we grow older, our body’s ability to become fertile is also highly affected. Consulting a doctor, and discussing the possibilities of in vitro fertilization, is also one of the tried and proven scientific approaches to help overcome the degenerative effects of aging.
Male Infertility
Studies show that the one out of three infertility problems originate with the man, and male infertility results in problems for many couples. Just like women, there are certain environmental factors and life habits that affect the ability of men to produce healthy sperms. Solving this problem is easy, as there are many proven health supplements and methods to help men improve fertility. The best approach is for you, as a couple, to develop healthier living habits to make pregnancy possible. It’s a partnership – it’s crucial to help one another.
Find the Perfect Timing
Getting pregnant is not a “hit or miss” activity. As a woman, you should know on how to keep track of your ovulation and menstrual cycles. It is a big help when you know the time that you will be the most fertile. There are several ways to track women’s fertility, such as the calendar method, and the cervical mucus method. Nowadays, keeping a track of our reproductive health is way easier as there are some available phone applications to help us check our fertility schedules.
Getting pregnant is never that easy. We all know that! Having the factors identified that can help improve your chances to conceive is the solution. Advancements in technology brought a lot of methods like the IVF to help solve infertility problems among women. It has been proven and practiced for years and shown a high number of positive results. Just find the right people to help you out, and you will stand a much better chance of welcoming your angel into your life.
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5 Reasons You Could Be Having Trouble Getting Pregnant
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