Excess Belly Fat and What You Can Do : There are several ways to combat excess fat around your stomach. Using waist trimmer belts simply to hide and or hold in the fat is one way to fight the bulge. Another is using them to compress your midsection and increase heat in the concentrated area which in turn may help promote the burning of fat, especially while you are working out. Of course, there is also the tried and true method of a healthy diet and getting steady exercise.
Excess Belly Fat and What You Can Do
New Technology and Science
Theories abound about how heat concentrated onto belly fat and cells can have positive fat burning effects. A 2012 Ohio State University study found that injecting heat into abdominal fat cells was linked to a reduction in visceral belly fat. Another study found no contact radio frequency was able to break down subcutaneous abdominal fat. The study also stated the immediate response of the body was likened to that of deep tissue heating. This may explain how using waistbands to target specific areas with heat could possibly burn fat in that specific area.
According to an American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) write-up, Lisa M. Donofrio a dermatologist and MD, FAAD, Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Dermatology, at the Yale University School of Medicine, said fat cells are different from other cells and respond to certain stimulus differently, like temperature, so newer technologies are being developed to target fat loss with this in mind. Therefore, specific areas like lower belly fat are able to be targeted using heat or cold depending on the device or technology involved.
The AAD explains how the method of radiofrequency which drives controlled heat deep into the fat cells subsequently destroying them has not yet been approved by the FDA however, the AAD finds this method promising. This is another feather in the cap for waistbands or heat belts and their possibility to use extra heat created during intense exercise to burn abdominal fat.
Going Old School
If the above methods aren’t something you’re interested in, don’t worry. You can simply resort to the old adage of hard work and discipline. However, using a waistband combined with a great diet and exercise program could probably get rid of stubborn, excess belly fat much more quickly.
If you put your mind to getting in at least 3 or 4 days of high-intensity exercise with just 30-40 minutes per session you can notice results in no time at all. You could simply start a yoga or Pilates program. After a month or so you could add some high-intensity weight training which may help to stimulate your body to burn fat faster.
When weight training many women worry about getting too bulky or adding too much muscle, however, this is not something to fret about. Just remember not to go too heavy with the weights and don’t consume an extreme amount of food in any form while keeping your protein, carb, and fat ratio at a healthy balance, you’ll be just fine.
A Little Extra Help
If you’d like to add a little flavor to the day while focused on your belly burning techniques, follow the water routine below. Drinking these may help your fat loss program and or provide that extra boost to bring you across the belly fat finish line.
Sunday-Before Bed
- 8 oz. water
- 2 tsp apple cider vinegar
- ½ tsp baking soda
- Drink lukewarm
Monday-All Day
- Squeeze 1 half lemon into large pitcher (wrap lemon and use on a salad in the next day or two)
- Consume as needed
Tuesday-All Day
- Drop some muddled mint leaves into a large pitcher
- Consume as needed
Wednesday-All Day
- Cut 1 whole cucumber and drop into pitcher
- Consume as needed
Thursday-Before Breakfast
- 8 oz. water
- 2 tsp apple cider vinegar
- ½ tsp baking soda
- Can drink warm or cold
- Drink water until Sunday night
These techniques could have you on the way to getting rid of that excess belly fat in no time at all.
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Excess Belly Fat and What You Can Do
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