Have Faith In The Divine Will

When we pray to God, we do it for health, wealth, the longevity of the parents and beloved ones, the safety of the children or that some other desire fulfilled. These prayers, like all others, have power and energy that bring us to life in the time of depression. The only difference between a prayer and a desire is that a prayer is directed towards God with faith. Faith plays an important role in whether the prayer is answered or not. But we do with an intensity of the heartfelt hope that the prayer will be answered – if not immediately, some time later.

We may be intensely praying for things or relationships that may not be good for us. But the intensity of our prayers creates a vibratory ripple in the Cosmos that will have its answer, its result – the fruit of the desire seed. This is why it is important for our spiritual growth to let God decide what is best for us. As the saying goes, ‘be careful of what you wish for, because you might get it’.

When Jesus Christ was in the garden of Gethsemane on the eve of his crucifixion, he knew the fate he would suffer the next day. Though he was divine in nature, he was also in human form and naturally did not want to die. So, in Luke 22:42, we learn that he said the following prayer: “Father, if Thou be willing, remover this cup from me: nevertheless not my Will, but Thine, be done.” Christ put God’s will above his own. “Thy will be done” is also part of the Lord’s Prayer. This is the essence of faith in its truest and purest form.

Putting everything into God’s hands and saying simply, “Let Thy Will be done” requires a tremendous amount of courage. It requires a lot of faith. Because somewhere deep down inside your heart and mind, you wish and hope that the Lord’s will coincides with your own.

But true and pure faith knows that the Will of God is best for you. That is true faith. Like in the case of Christ, if he had not died on the cross, he would not have therefore been glorified through resurrection and thus his mission would not have been accomplished. So, his will in this case, would not have been the best for him. God knew what was best and since Christ Said, “Let Thy will be done”, it was done.

At the same time it is fine to put your request before the Lord like Christ did when he said, “If Thou be willing, remove this cup from me.” So you can ask God – “If thou Art be willing then let Thy will be done, not mine.”

This prayer – if said with utmost faith and sincerity and with the knowledge that God loves you and will do whatever is in your best interest – will yield the sweetest fruit.

That is why whenever you go to pray, please do it with utmost sincerity at heart for the welfare of all; God is there to do the right for you. Leave everything upon Him to decide and be happy thereafter, assuming that you have done your best, you have surrendered yourself to His will for the results and now your worries stand transferred to Him to solve in the way best for you.