Men’s Health

Men’s Health

Showing 15 of 23 Results

The Most Common Cancers in the USA

The Most Common Cancers in the USA : All cancers are terrible and frightening diagnosis to receive. Fortunately, there are numerous scientists and companies like trying to come up with a more effective and less aggressive treatments. Some varieties of cancer have a fairly straightforward and simple solution, whereas others aren’t so easily dispatched.

Bloom into Spring with These 5 Beauty Tips

Bloom into Spring with These 5 Beauty Tips: It’s that time of the year again – Spring is officially here! But Spring doesn’t just bring new life – it brings a whole new look! Get ready to revamp your Winter style and transform it into a Spring attire with these 5 tips!

8 benefits of pole fitness for men

8 benefits of pole fitness for men : Pole dance and fitness are becoming more mainstream and socially acceptable as a form of fitness. You may have read or seen about how it can empower women, but nobody really talks about how it can benefit men. Just to clarify here a moment, I am a woman, but what I am about […]

Why Your Man Should Grow A Beard

Why Your Man Should Grow A Beard: 10 Health Benefits Beards look amazing. Stubble beards, full beards, and of course beefy mustaches. Nothing looks better waking up to a man with bed-beard, not to mention the high amount of health benefits that come with it. Below is a compiled list of all the healthy pros of your man owning, grooming, and […]

Surgery to help Iraqi man shed up to 151 kg in one year

Surgery to help Iraqi man shed up to 151 kg in one year : Ali Saddam, who weighed 301 kg and was touted as Iraq’s heaviest man, says he feels ‘lighter’ after doctors at BLK Super Speciality Hospital conducted a sleeve gastrectomy that will enable him to shed up to 151 kg over 12 months. For years, the 43-year-old had […]