How To Help Your Man’s Beard To Be Healthier

How To Help Your Man’s Beard To Be Healthier: We all know that men are not the most attentive when it comes to their beauty routine. The vast majority of men never hydrate, cleanse, or apply sunscreen to protect their skin from expedited aging caused by the sun.

And when it comes to their beards, sometimes it’s even worse. If you go outside and see some of these men’s beards, they are so unkempt and lacking any real maintenance and structure. If your man is one of those guys, there are certain things that you can do to help him out.

Let’s start with number 1.

1. Grab Him A Better Beard Trimmer

Groom+Style have tested a range of beard trimmers, and crafted a detailed guide explaining the results.

Most men with beards have this product, but if for some reason your man doesn’t, you need to buy him one immediately. For the rest of you whose man already has one, check and see if it’s an actual high quality one. The reason for this is that the low quality ones tend to trim unevenly and even break down quickly.

This long beard trimmer guide shows all the top choices so as long as your man has one of these you can proceed to the next step.


2. Does He Use a Beard Oil?

The next product is like a moisturizer, but for men with beards. When you have a thick and coarse beard, which many guys do have these days, you won’t be able to apply just any old moisturizer to hydrate your skin. You need a natural beard oil that is able to penetrate through the thick hair and seep into the skin that is concealed beneath.

As for which one to get, there are plenty out there on Amazon and even most big drug stores, but just look for one that contains Jojoba oil.


3. Get Him To Use The 2 Products Above Daily

If your man trims and applies a beard oil daily, you will notice major improvements to his overall hygiene as well as the appearance of his beard. On top of that, the oil will mask any bad smell coming from his beard ( especially during the summer months ).

This step may seem obvious, but just owning the 2 products listed above is not enough to inhibit change, so you must be the catalyst that pushes him to care more for his beard. Especially because of all the benefits that beard’s have on a man. But anyway, let’s move on.


4. Get Him To Wash His Beard Every Couple Days

A beard needs to be washed the same way the hair on your head does. Once again, you’d be surprised how many guys out there do not do this. The good thing is that you can use most shampoo’s and conditioners out there that don’t have harsh chemicals.

For the most part, these 4 steps will go a long way in improving the appearance of your significant other’s beard. If he is being ignorant to his hygiene, it is up to us to be the change. Make sure to compliment your man when he completes these steps so that he can continue to do so.

This should have taught you a bit more about beard care and how it surprisingly requires daily maintenance, similarly to our skin and hair.



Related Videos:

Beard Health Benefits – Must See!

The Worst Beard Habit and How to Avoid It

How to Grow a Beard Faster

How To Grow A Full, Thick, and Dense Beard

Beard Care: 5 Things That Will Keep Your Beard Healthy

How To: Grow and Maintain a Healthy Beard

Why Every Man Needs A Beard





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How To Help Your Man’s Beard To Be Healthier

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How To Help Your Man’s Beard To Be Healthier