How to keep your kids safe around animals: One thing that is a concern for some parents is having their children be safe around animals. This is a bit of concern especially if you have a pet or many animals out around in your neighborhood. There are things you can do that will help with this problem.
Never leave your very young children all alone with your animal even if it is your trusted pet. You need to keep an eye on what is going on in case you need to intervene.
Not only do you need to keep an eye on your animal and child, but you need to also teach your child how to act around animals. The first is always to leave an animal alone when he or she is feeding. It’s best just to leave the animal alone as they will tend to react to seeing who or what it is that is trying to take their food.
How to keep your kids safe around animals?
Teach your kid to stay away from the animal house
It’s a good habit to teach your kid to stay away from the animal house, food, and water bowls in case the animal feels a bit threatened from someone else being in their territory. Have your child tell an adult if there is a stray animal in the neighborhood especially if it is scaring your child or other children in the area.
Make sure your kid knows animals well before approach.
Make sure your kid knows that it is a good idea not to approach animals that they do not know. Your child does need to understand that some animals are friendly but at the same time some as not very friendly at all and could hurt them.
Your children should have an understanding of respecting animals around them. Teach them that teasing animals of any type or size is not tolerated under any conditions. This will only make the animals mad and they could hurt them.
Make sure your child knows that you need only to go pet an animal if the owner is there and gives permission to do so. The owner will know if their animal is friendly enough with children or not to be around kids.
Keeping Your Children and Your Pets Safe together.
Pets can be a lot of fun. They bring joy to the family, but how do you prevent your pet from hurting your child, or your child from hurting your pet?
Start by researching the different breeds of animal you are thinking of getting.
If you are looking at a dog, for instance, a Golden Retriever is an excellent choice for a home with children, as they are mild-mannered, and yet protective. Avoid animals known for their fierce natures or jealousy issues.
1. Talk to the pet store or shelter where you are getting the animal.
If they have been in contact with the pet for a while, they will be able to tell you some of the animals’ history and behaviors, the personality of the animal and if they have noticed any triggers that would bring up an unfriendly reaction.
You might take the animal to a vet to have him checked out for medical conditions which might make him feel less than his best, resulting in angry behaviors. If you are getting a cat, he should be declawed before you bring him into the house.
2. Establish who the boss is.
From the moment you first meet the pet, speak to him firmly. This doesn’t mean you have to be unkind, but he should know you are the leader. Animals live in a hierarchy. There is always a leader, and there are always followers. Assert yourself with the animal, so he knows you are the leader in your den.
Third, be consistent in your reward/punishment system. If you let bad behavior slide, just once, you are implanting confusion. The pet needs to know what the consequences are, and he needs to be able to rely on them. One of the most effective consequences is putting him in time-out, as it were. Placing him in his kennel or taking him outside creates isolation, and pets hate to be isolated. He will get the message.
Fourth, don’t encourage rough play.
Some pet owners like to wrestle with their pets or play frisky games, but the animal then becomes confused about proper behavior expectations. Why is it okay to growl at Dad, but not for the baby? Animals can’t make those kinds of distinctions.
3. Trim pet nail.
Trimming your pet’s nails is also another important thing you have to do for safety of your child at home. To trim pet nail is also good for the pet because Long nails that may start to curl can be a torture for your pets as this can be painful for them especially when walking.
4. Deworm your pet.
If you did not source for the spread of eggs and larvae are nursing female dogs and cats – and their litters. If you have children and are worried about disease transmission, that is a good reason you should contact your vet and talk seriously about deworming your pet.
Interestingly enough, these tips are also applicable to training your children to be kind to the pet. Your child should know you mean business, rewarded for her good behavior and experience consequences if she behaves unkindly. She also dislikes being put in time-out, and she should know better than to engage in rough play.
About the Author:
My name is Evelyn Valdez, creator of PlaywithMeow! I love all pets ( especially cats) because they always make me happy and healthy. I want to connect with other pet lovers in the world to share experience in healthy and caring pets
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