Women’s Health

Women’s Health

Showing 15 of 235 Results

5 Ways to Grow Your Breasts Naturally

5 Ways to Grow Your Breasts Naturally : Many women hate the idea of having surgery to increase their breast. After all, breast augmentations are typically very expensive (several thousand dollars). They might also leave scarring or cause pain. Fortunately, there’s a better way. In this article, we’re going to show you 5 effective ways to grow your breasts naturally.

How to reverse post baby body changes

How to reverse post baby body changes : A little over nine months ago, I welcomed my beautiful baby boy into this world after putting my body through hell for ten months and 36 excruciating hours of labor. After all that my body went through to create and birth another human being, it does not exactly look quite it used to […]

Exercising cuts risk of breast cancers

Women aged 50-plus urged to do at least five hours of exercise a week. They are reaching an age at which it is tempting to slow down a bit – but post-menopausal women may have to do more exercise than others to stay healthy. Scientists recommend that women aged 50-plus do five hours of exercise a week to keep breast […]

Breast cancer reoccurrence is prevented by soy foods

Breast cancer reoccurrence is prevented by soy foods : Previously women with breast cancer are advised not to eat soy foods or soy foods supplements during the treatment as it interferes with anti-estrogen treatment.  Turning that statement, the research done by the Prof Leena Hilakivi-Clarke, PhD stated that “soy foods could actually cut the risk of breast cancer recurrence”.

Things That Make a Woman Threatening

Things That Make a Woman Threatening. Women are, by nature, catty creatures. If you have been walking around on this Earth for any length of time, you have probably been on both the giving and the receiving ends of more than a few scratches. Battle-scared and broken, you can probably attest to the meanness of womankind, usually for what can […]

Women and HIV/AIDS

Women and HIV/AIDS : Globally, AIDS-related illnesses are the leading cause of death among women of reproductive age. 2 In areas such as Western and Central Europe, Eastern Europe and Oceania, women account for a relatively low percentrage of people living with HIV. However, in regions such as sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean, the percentage is significantly higher.

Influenza and Women

Influenza and Women : Pandemic is a word that brings about a sense of trepidation and fright in us all. With the recent news broadcasts regarding the H1N1 Influenza Type A, or, most notably, the swine flu, a progressively greater amount of the world’s population is considering the flu shot as a means to possibly curb the embellished illness and […]

Boost your metabolism and lose weight easily

Boost your metabolism and lose weight easily : There is so much information about the role of metabolism in weight gain and weight loss that people get confused about it. In simple terms, metabolism is the process by which your body converts food to energy. Your body handles this process of metabolism depending on your lifestyle habits, what exactly you […]

See How Much the Perfect Female Body Has Changed Over 100 Years

See How Much the Perfect Female Body Has Changed Over 100 Years : If you’ve ever found yourself wishing for this actress’s waist or that singer’s legs, remember this: The silhouette of the “ideal woman” changes year over year, so the physical qualities we embrace today are often at odds with those from previous generations.

Foods You Should Avoid When Breastfeeding

We all know that some foods are not good for our body, especially if you are a breastfeeding mom. We are adult and our bodies are stronger, and sometimes we didn’t even notice bad effect, but babies can feel them all. Some infants become too nervous or feel discomfort in their stomach. You must always pay attention to what you […]

Is Sleeping In a Cold Room Better For You?

Is Sleeping In a Cold Room Better For You? Here’s the sweetest spot on the thermostat. Ask any insomniac about the perils of a hot pillow: When you’re trying to sleep, your brain loves the cold. Wearing a cooling cap helped insomniacs snooze almost as well as people without sleep problems, found a study from the University of Pittsburgh School […]

Great Qualities of a Perfect Mother

Children are the most precious achievements in our life. They make our life meaningful and happy. No matter how old your child is, you should always take care of them in a proper way. If you really want to succeed in your life as a mother you should be aware of some important qualities which are desirable to possess. I […]

Activities That Are Perfect for You and Your Mom

There are many amazing activities that can be perfect for you and your mother. You just need to find out which ones are right for both of you. Spending some quality time together can make your relationship much stronger. Here are a few activities that are perfect for you and your mom. These activities are a wonderful way to spend […]

Reasons to Choose Natural Childbirth

Nowadays many women choose natural childbirth for lots of reasons. Having a baby may not be easy, but natural childbirth is better for you and baby. You might think that natural childbirth is a painful birth, but it’s actually the safest choice for your baby. Read on and find out a few important reasons to choose natural childbirth.