Women’s Health

Women’s Health

Showing 15 of 235 Results

What is IVF treatment and how it relates Pregnancy

What is IVF treatment and how it relates Pregnancy: IVF stands for “In vitro fertilization”, which is a fertility treatment in which eggs and sperm are mixed in a laboratory. Then the resulting embryos are assessed for quality, and one or more are kept in the uterus through the cervix.

Stress relief during pregnancy

Stress relief during pregnancy: Pregnancy can be a very stressful time, as you prepare for a new chapter of your life, and as hormones soar through your body. You can find yourself feeling very emotional, even frazzled, and a lot of your favourite ways to relax may not be so easy now that you’ve got your bump!

Breast cancer drugs stop working when tumors ‘make their own fuel’

Breast cancer drugs stop working when tumors ‘make their own fuel’: The early-stage findings, from an international team led by Imperial College London and the European Institute of Oncology in Milan, reveal some breast tumours evolve to make their own ‘fuel supply’, rendering treatments powerless.

Study reveals new genetic mechanism driving breast cancer

Study reveals new genetic mechanism driving breast cancer : Researchers at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute have discovered ‘hotspots’ of mutations in breast cancer genomes, where mutations thought to be inactive ‘passengers’ in the genome have now been shown to possibly drive further cancerous changes.

Study identifies genomic features of cervical cancer

Study identifies genomic features of cervical cancer: Investigators with The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Research Network have identified novel genomic and molecular characteristics of cervical cancer that will aid in the subclassification of the disease and may help target therapies that are most appropriate for each patient.

Effects of smoking on women’s health

Effects of smoking on women’s health: Thousands of women worldwide currently smoke and put themselves at risk for a wide range of health issues, some of which are more familiar than others. Apart from lung cancer, which is the most popular health condition known by smoking patients, there are also other issues women who smoke should be concerned about these […]

What is Mental Stress? Causes, Diagnosis, Self Help and Treatment

What is Mental Stress? Mental Stress is that state of our mental condition when we opt to loose peace of our mind. Paul Brunton has rightly said, “Nothing matters so much that we should throw ourselves into a state of panic about it. No happening is so important that we should let ourselves be exiled from inner peace and mental calm […]

What is Bacterial Vaginosis?

What is Bacterial Vaginosis? Bacterial vaginosis is characterized by the imbalance between healthy bacteria and harmful one or a change in vagina ph. It is a very common problem with the prevalent symptoms including excessive vaginal discharge, occasionally with fishy odor, as well as itching and sometimes with painfulness in urination.

Face Exercise for Glowing Skin

Face Exercise for Glowing Skin : Just like your body needs regular exercises, your face needs some once in a while. While it is crucial to be gentle with your facial muscles – no one wants saggy skin and early wrinkles – performing these five facial exercises will only benefit your face beauty. When performed correctly, facial workouts can help you […]

Tips on Avoiding Back Pain for New Moms

Tips on Avoiding Back Pain for New Moms: You firmly believed that back pain would go away after pregnancy, but it didn’t happen. It must be frustrating to feel the pain that affects your mobility, especially now when you have an infant to look after. Back pain is widely prevalent among new moms, but luckily, there are many ways you can […]

Oral Health and Breast Cancer

Oral Health and Breast Cancer : Fighting Gum Disease May Aid the Battle Against Breast Cancer. Research into breast cancer continues to advance and with it new areas of focus, awareness and prevention. As we mark National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, it is an opportune time to address a less well-known dimension of breast cancer: its link to gum disease.

Tips on Planning for Breast Augmentation

Tips on Planning for Breast Augmentation : Breast augmentation planning can take several months. Before going for the procedure, you will need to go over certain details with your surgeon including, your health details, your realistic recovery plan, your desires, and the best time for your procedure so that you can make the arrangements as needed. For breast augmentation in Atlanta, […]