Here’s what to expect from the fitness world in 2019

Here’s what to expect from the fitness world in 2019 : With a New Year starting, there are changes expected in almost everything around you. Fitness is no different! Hoping that you had an eventful 2018, and you are all set to step into 2019, making health your first priority. Here is a list of changes that you can expect from 2019 in the fitness world.

  1. Better Wearable Technology

    This is a great add on in the upcoming year and something that most of us expected. This will consist of smart watches, GPS trackers, fitness trackers and much more. The aim of these technologies would be to create a system through which people can see their progress throughout and work towards improving it. People can also improve their results due to cross connections with other devices, and we all know what competition does to people when it comes to fitness. Artificial intelligence in healthcare will play a bigger role in this area and we can only imagine the limits of AI in wearable technology.

    Not only this, but it is expected that applications will up their game as well. This is surely true for 2018, as it was notable how much people depended on apps for keeping track of their fitness independently. Let us see if these trends can bring something more innovative that entails virtual reality training as well. This survey proves us right that indeed wearable technologies is something to watch out for in 2019.

  2. Effective High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

    HIIT is a kind of training that requires you to do an intensive work out for a shorter duration of time. With our busy schedules, choosing a shorter work out plan that yields better results seems like a more viable option. HIIT was a hit in 2018 as well, but it was not the mainstream way of fitness. This sort of work out gives your shorter breaks and stronger results, which makes it the most desirable fitness regime and it has several benefits as well. In 2019, doing HIIT within your own homes has become easier than ever. Women who want an amazing figure wear a waist trainer while doing the high intensity interval training for effective results.

  3. Focus on Mental Health

    In 2019, you can expect an emphasis on mental health through various workouts. Mindfulness will take a step further in 2019 and improve guided workouts. These not only effect the body, but your mind as well. With 2018, we have realized how important it is to have both our mind and body in tune. Yoga is another traditional practice that has improved over time undertaking the needs of the world. Yoga is indeed an exercise. Something new and innovative to look out for is sound therapy.

  4. Promoting Kids’ Gym

    Fitness is a necessity for all ages, then why is our focus on adults only? In 2019, Kids’ Gyms will be more common and they will empower and strengthen kids’ bodies. This will give them the training that is essential for their bodies in the end.

  5. Shift to Eco-Keto Diet

    We have come a long way in 2018 with ketogenic diet. However, it brought into question the level of eco-friendliness it promoted. To encounter that argument, the focus of 2019 will be on promoting an eco-keto diet. More awareness regarding climate change has led to an understanding that livestock industry creates the same amount of greenhouses gases as the global transport does. It indeed required reflection and a call to action.


These expected trends are an extension of 2018. Having said that, there is much more that 2019 fitness trends have for you. The year of 2019 focuses on better diet, holistic fitness that entails improving the mind, and creating more time efficient workouts. Kids will also have much more options in terms of keeping their bodies healthy. Moreover, AI will bring drastic changes in the wearable technologies regarding fitness. Here is to being more fit and healthy in 2019.


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Here’s what to expect from the fitness world in 2019