How does Ayurveda diagnose and Treat PCOS naturally?

How does Ayurveda diagnose and Treat PCOS naturally? PCOS is the most common hormonal disorder of the female reproductive system and a significant cause of primary or secondary infertility and menstrual irregularities. The Overproduction of androgen hormones causes the formation of multiple small cysts in ovaries. All three doshas play an essential role in normal menstrual physiology. The functions of doshas are as described below.

Vaat: Vaat is responsible for all the follicles’ movements, including the release of mature ovum from ovaries and its move towards the uterus. Vaat is also accountable for the downward flow of menstrual blood and a mature fetus’s downward movement during delivery.

Pitta: Pitta plays the role of energy transformation for hormonal action and produces the energy required for different ovulation and menstruation stages.

Kapha: Kapha nourishes the mature follicles, the mucous layer of the fallopian tubes, and the uterus’ endometrium.

Ayurveda classifies Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) as Kapha vitiation. According to Ayurveda, all three doshas (Vaat, Pitta, and Kapha) play an essential role in the process of ovarian cyst formation and normal menstruation cycle. PCOS occurs when Kapha blocks the movement and actions of Vata and Pitta. The Kapha dominates the actions of Vata and Pitta doshas and leads to the formation of ovarian cysts. Vaat is the main causative factor for all menstrual problems. Hence, the doctor treats Vaat first, then Pitta, and lastly, the Kapha.

The following symptoms appear according to dosha dominance checkout below.

Kapha Dominance: Infertility, hirsutism, obesity, diabetes.

Pitta Dominance: Acne, painful menstruation, hair loss.

Vaat Dominance: Painful menstruation, less menstrual flow, irregular menstrual cycle.

The Ayurvedic Diagnosis

An Ayurvedic doctor plans for PCOS treatment by evaluating all the parameters. A physical examination, family history, severity of the symptoms, hormonal assessment, pelvic analysis, an USG of the pelvic area, and a detailed evaluation of all the symptoms based on Vaat, Pitta, and Kapha. Ayurveda diagnoses the disease by looking at the root cause of the problem. Ayurveda is the most recommended medical system, which is preventive as well as curative.

The Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS

Ayurveda therapies specified herbal medicines, Yoga, diet, and lifestyle changes help maintain hormonal balance, manage acne and excessive hair growth, anxiety, and depression. The Ayurveda medicines with properties of Deepan, Pachan, Lekhan are advised. These medicines help in dissolving the cyst, induce ovulation, and maintain a regular menstrual cycle. Most women with Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) struggle with obesity. Ayurveda helps to maintain body weight also. The primary Ayurveda treatment for PCOS includes the below-mentioned therapies.

Snehapana: Oral intake of medicated ghee or the oil helps to lubricate the body channels.

Swedan: Heating of the body by herbal steam bath helps remove the blockage from the body channels.

Vaman: The medicated emesis helps in removing the excess Kapha from the body. An Ayurveda expert does this process under his supervision only.

Virechan: This is medicated purgation, which helps in balancing Vata and Pitta.

Vasti: This is anal administration of medicated decoction and oils. It is beneficial in balancing the aggravated Vata dosha.

Uttar Vasti: Administration of medicated oil/ghee through the vaginal route. It strengthens the female reproductive system and is very useful in PCOS.

Nasya: Nasya is the administration of the medicated oil through the nasal route.

Ayurvedic diet and Lifestyle for Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

  1. A patient with Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS should follow a strict diet plan and lifestyle during the entire period of the treatment. A few points are listed below to be practiced at home by a PCOS patient.
  2. A light, warm, nutritious, and timely food helps to keep good digestion.
  3. 6-10 glasses of normal or lukewarm water in a day, depending on individual body type, help keep proper hydration in the body.
  4. A Yoga practice or any exercise helps in normalizing the body’s metabolism and promotes positive thoughts.
  5. Avoid the intake of alcohol, smoking, caffeine, fast food, junk food, refrigerated food, and non-vegetarian foods.
  6. Day sleep will increase the symptoms of PCOS. Hence, try to avoid it.
  7. Increase the intake of green vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains, almonds, nuts, walnuts, and natural foodstuff.

I hope you liked this informative post about Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) & found answers to all of your queries regarding Polycystic ovary syndrome disease.







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How does Ayurveda diagnose and Treat PCOS naturally?

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