How is Nursing Beneficial for the Mother and Child? If you’re hesitant about nursing your newborn baby, you’re probably flooded with all kinds of wrong information. Even though the decision is very personal and no mother should ever be judged for not nursing the baby, the fact remains that it’s the best source of nutrition for the baby and extremely beneficial for mother’s health as well.
In order to make a well-informed and best decision, mothers must know what they are forsaking. WHO and AAP are renowned organizations that strongly recommend breastfeeding exclusively for the first 6 months up till 2 years because the milk is flooded with nutrients for the baby and the whole process has amazing, unprecedented advantages for mothers.
Many new mothers get overwhelmed by the flood of information, advice, suggestions and comments given by friends, family members and relatives and they make decisions that aren’t futuristic or well-thought-out. Thoughts about being solely responsible for the food of your child, not being able to do a job or live life freely for up to 12-18 months or having the burden of an extra responsibility on top of other things can scare or run chills down any mother. But once you get to know the amazing, unparalleled and irreplaceable benefits of breast milk you won’t be able to miss this opportunity, trust me. Mothers often feel the pressure of not producing enough milk thus abandoning this God’s gift, whereas this can be easily done by lactation treats, drinks and foods.
Let’s look at some of the benefits that you and your precious one can garner through breastfeeding. After learning about these benefits, you won’t be able to leave this opportunity to nurse your child. Trust me your body was designed for this and you’re very well capable of feeding your baby. If you ever need a milk supply booster, use lactation treats and you’re good to go.
Advantages of Breastfeeding to the Baby
Breast Milk is Packed with Nutrients
Breast milk is jam packed with essential nutrients that the baby needs in every phase of his/her life. Breast milk is alive, it changes as per the requirements of the baby during every phase, that’s why you will feel that the composition of the milk is sometimes more liquidly, sometimes thicker and sometimes it is yellower than white. The first milk to ever come out of the breast is colostrum, which is high in protein, low in sugar, thick in consistency but packed with essential compounds. After that the consistency changes to more liquidly and so does the composition of the compounds. You don’t want your baby to miss all these amazing, beneficial nutrients, right?
Full of Immunity Boosters
Breast milk is also loaded with an immunity booster that helps the baby fight with nasty diseases, illnesses and viral infections. Colostrum is mainly responsible for delivering these power-packed antibodies to the child. It is enriched with immunoglobulin A (IgA) that helps in forming a protective layer in the baby’s nose, throat, oesophagus and digestive system. If you ever feel that your milk supply is low, pop up some lactation treats as a milk supply booster but don’t forsake the amazing benefits.
Diminishes the Risk of Diseases
When a mother exclusively feeds for at least the first six months it means that no other food was taken by the child, resulting in a strong immune system that is capable of fighting with various diseases and illnesses. Mother’s milk can protect against respiratory tract infections, colds and flus, gut infections, middle ear infections, SIDS, allergies, diabetes, bowel diseases and intestinal infections to name a few.
Breastfeeding Prevents Obesity and Keeps Weight Steady
Breastfeeding means that the baby gains a steady weight over time and also prevents childhood obesity. This is due to good gut bacteria present in breast fed babies which affects the fat storage and the hormone leptin also helps in regulating appetite. Babies on exclusive breastfeeding also have a steady weight gain due to self-regulated milk intake and healthy eating pattern.
Advantages of Breastfeeding to the mom
Breastfeeding saves from Postpartum Depression
Postpartum depression is a real thing that has happened to many mothers. It’s a kind of depression that develops after giving birth and can prolong for up to 3 months. Mothers who nurse their newborn babies can better cope with postpartum depression then the mothers who don’t feed.
Breastfeeding aids in Uterus Contraction
A woman’s uterus expands greatly throughout the pregnancy and during delivery it can open till the entire space of your abdomen. Breastfeeding helps in bringing the uterus back to its normal shape and reduces the blood loss by releasing a hormone called oxytocin. This feel-good hormone is responsible for contracting the uterus, reducing bleeding and also makes the mother feel good.
Breastfeeding can Help the Mother Shred those Extra Pounds
Breastfeeding burns extra 300-500 calories every day, so for all those mothers who want to get back in shape and shred the extra pounds in the most healthy and natural way, breastfeeding is the best way. If the mother maintains a healthy diet plus extra 500 calories are lost with exclusive nursing, then she can get back in shape pretty quickly. In fact, nursing mothers can lose post-pregnancy weight up to 6-months earlier than non-nursing mothers.
Breastfeeding reduces the Risk of many Diseases
Not just for the child, breastfeeding also reduces disease risk for the mothers. Breastfeeding the child can prevent diseases like cancer type 2 diabetes, arthritis, cholesterol, high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases.
Breastfeeding is Convenient and Time Saving
Breastfeeding is a free commodity, you don’t need any bottle, steriliser, milk boxes, measuring cups or any other thing for that matter. Barring a few expenses like lactation treats, pumps or occasional visits to the lactation experts. Breastfeeding is also super convenient and time saving, all you have to do is to get yourself comfortable and nurse away. No need to check the temperature or any other precautionary measure.
Breast Milk is full of nutrients and benefits not only for the baby but also for the mother. All health agencies strongly recommend nursing the child exclusively for 6 months to open a pandora box of health goodness for the mother and child.
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How is Nursing Beneficial for the Mother and Child?
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